Laserfiche WebLink
Q: Will the crossing guard location change? <br />A: The project should not change this, However, that is up to the School District, <br />Q: Can the road handle the weight of the construction trucks? <br />A: The City will review that issue. <br />Q: Will the community have CC &Rs? <br />A: Yes, <br />Q: Concerned with landscaping issues. Want to prohibit inappropriate trees like fichus. <br />A: We can restrict trees that are viewed as inappropriate. Please Vlow up with an email to discuss this <br />issue further. <br />Q: Is the guest parking parallel? <br />A: Yes. <br />Q: What is the number of bedrooms per home? <br />A: 3. <br />Q: The only hiccup in this project is parking. 9 guest spots for the 21 homes (without garages) is too <br />thin; <br />A: Your comment is noted. <br />Q: I am not against your project, I think It will be a fine asset and good improvement to the community. <br />Q: Concern with parking and how the street will be Impacted by construction, <br />A: Your comment is notes. <br />Q: Is the purchase of the property contingent on receiving entitlements? <br />A: Yes, <br />Q: How will lighting be handled? <br />A: There will be a street lighting plan per City standards. <br />Q: Will there be a homeowners association? <br />A: Yes. <br />75'A -44 <br />