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COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Benavides: <br />• Reflected on efforts to develop and bring forth a Strategic Plan; <br />• Thanked the community for active participation; <br />• Support development of measurable goals, objectives and timeline - provide <br />accountability; <br />• Thanked staff for adding new objective - re-entry program as part of community <br />safety; walk -ability and bike -ability component; consider adding bike racks; <br />• Commented on housing conditions and absentee landlords; dignified housing <br />priority, apply code enforcement tools and strategies, offered PREP program as <br />example; <br />• Community involvement has improved; draft Plan is culmination of such efforts; <br />encouraged community to remain engaged; proposed having a standing commission <br />monitor progress; <br />• Noted that City Manager monthly reports will include progress on Strategic Plan; <br />• Appreciate inclusion of modernization of Community Policing philosophy; <br />• Proposed customer service surveys for police services; model after Orange County <br />Fire Authority with opportunity for residents to provide feedback; <br />• Proposed establishment of a community task force or advisory committee to provide <br />input into different areas of the City; and <br />• Economic development goal focus on attracting new businesses, promoting <br />business expansions and streamline permitting process. <br />Councilmember Reyna: <br />• Urged residents to be active in the process; <br />• Proposed that licenses and permits available on the City's website; <br />• Wi-Fi to be offered throughout the City; focus on technology <br />• Important to be able to track data as it relates to police services; <br />• Focus resources on senior citizens; <br />• Economic development to focus on manufacturing opportunities; retain jobs — blue <br />collar workers backbone of our community; <br />• Employee training vital; and <br />• Investment in youth - job training and internship opportunities to be considered. <br />Councilmember Amezcua: (provided comments for the record through Councilmember <br />Martinez due to her absence) <br />• Allocate appropriate funds for youth and gang prevention programs; <br />• City to explore internship opportunities with the private sector and the school district, <br />• Strengthen gang intervention programs, and <br />• City to continue fostering arts & culture opportunities. <br />Councilmember Martinez: <br />• Thanked staff and community for bringing Strategic Plan forward; will provide for <br />accountability; <br />• Inquired as to City's plan to address the unfunded liability as it pertains to pensions; <br />• Establish measureable and effective programs; City to assess existing programs <br />before adding new programs; <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 FEBRUARY 22, 2014 <br />