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• Encourage routine review of unfunded programs, one-time programs may be easier <br />to fund; City Manager to develop working plan to set priorities for funding; <br />• General Plan to include healthy communities component; California Endowment <br />willing to assist with technical assistance; <br />• Incorporate safety into transportation plan and circulation element - Active <br />Transportation Safety Plan; <br />• Supports Restorative Justice program; include health impact assessment to identify <br />"hot spots"; <br />• Provide facilities for bikes in Circulation Element and Complete Streets; Pacific <br />Electric Right of Way may provide for additional bike trail as a Class 2 Lane; identify <br />cost and areas to add bicycle lockers; <br />• Requested clarification on need for $250,000 for police technology <br />o City Manager Cavazos indicated that electronic ticketing was one component <br />that was included in cost. <br />• Thanked staff for making downtown safety a priority, do not detract from other areas <br />of the City; <br />• Include Wellness Corridor in the Downtown area; <br />• Referenced the Draft Status Worksheet: <br />o Youth and Education component develop comprehensive plan to address all <br />youth programs and maximize funds; Civic program should be available for <br />entire community; commitment to sports; <br />o Economic Development component; priority on manufacturing, support hotel <br />hospitality efforts; job opportunities tied to economic development; City <br />branding; business advisory ad hoc committee to be considered by the <br />Finance and Economic Development Council Committee to undertake the <br />Economic and Business Development Strategy with City staff; include <br />Wellness Corridor partnership with Latino Health Access to address their <br />design and lighting needs; partner with businesses on use of technology; <br />promotions with Metrolink to bring people into our City; partner with the City of <br />Garden Grove on economic development initiatives as it relates to Willowick <br />Golf Course; <br />o Requested additional information on Community Volunteer Program in the <br />amount of $180,000; <br />o What is status of Climate Action Plan; <br />o Request additional information on need for Jerome and Madison Park Access <br />Points; <br />o Top priority to renovate public facilities - senior centers and parks; <br />o Asked City Manager to identify funding source of all proposed projects; <br />• City to consider joining the Associated Cities of Orange County to establish regional <br />relationships. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento <br />• Thanked community and staff for efforts in drafting Strategic Plan; multi -year <br />commitment that will and may be modified as needed; <br />• Guiding principles to be used as a roadmap and assist in setting funding priorities; <br />• Noted that Plan vetted by community before City Council; community driven; <br />• City Council entrusted with providing large vision; <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 FEBRUARY 22, 2014 <br />