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Exhibit /t— Request for Propouad — ScooeofSecvic,* <br />DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORK <br />The issuing <br />thisAeqmest for Proposals (RFP) for Construction Surveying and <br />Map Checking Services. <br />|m general, the Consultant shall perform monument preservation and construction staking for various <br />City projects on an as-needed basis. A California-licensed land surveyor shall be in responsible <br />charge o[ all survey work performed under the contract, <br />ThmCommo]taoteymn/icWnnha||incfude,bu1no{befirmtedto,Ubm0n||mm'mg: <br />A. Research existing County and City records for survey monuments within the project area- <br />B. Prior ha any clearing, removal, sr excavation efforts, perform a diligent search for property <br />fine monuments, street centodinw monuments, and benchmarks within the project arwa, <br />recording their identities and precise locations in reference to monuments or witness <br />monuments that will not be disturbed during construction, The records of these monuments <br />and references shall conform 0o Section QT71o[ the Business and Professions Code ofthe <br />State mWCalifornia. After completion of the construction, any monument disturbed or <br />removed during construction shall be reset conforming tm Section 8771, Emnbomobedin* <br />intersection shall be drawn on a single Comer Record showing local fie points and tie <br />distances, The Corner Records shaft bm drafted \m08ic,a+&mtiom (version 8nrewMieh, and a <br />digka|copy of each mubmd&a1tw the City. <br />� <br />C, Provide construction staking for project improvements. Records of the line and grade stakes <br />(cut sheets) shall be on forms provided hy the City, and the originals shall become the <br />property of the City upon completion of each su miThwCity*N|pmm'idodigbu <br />construction plans and specifications for each project The consultant shall furnish hard <br />copies m{ plans for field personnel amneeded, <br />Q� Set Fine d grade wtak*winacmnrdmnonwfilhthe plans and specifications, Notify the City <br />immediately of any discrepancies or design errors discovered on the plans during staking or <br />when wwrb/ing the line and grade of existing improvements mt join points. <br />E, Complete the construction staking within the time frame specified om the Su Fba|uoot <br />Fmmnor(�mmiaivn/^nnb xomwmcwthe staking mm later than two working �days from <br />the receipt of the request, providing oonbnmwuoS service onti|the request iscomplete. <br />F� Furnish all office support, Labor, materials, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary in <br />complete the mpeamd surveys. The costs for these items shall be included im the hourly nr <br />lump sum costs and o* additional compensation will Wo allowed therefore, <br />���� <br />���U��� <br />��U <br />