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C .1ST SURVCYiNG, INC. <br />taos�wr aai. wavrcacr�sui •r.�lw"I�..tiaE.��Z997 Lr191s�A��6a EP3Sri7?LS19�ZZ <br />WWN!COFIgI 811 NpM <br />COMPANY PROFILE <br />Coast Surveying, Inc. (Coast) was founded in 1981 in Santa Ana by Rues del Castillo, P.L.S. <br />and Skip Touchon, P.L .S. as Coast Surveying and Mapping and was Incorporated on January <br />2, 1984. Mr. Touchon left the firm in 1090 to pursue his dreams in the Central Coast area and <br />today, Coast is led by Mr. del Castilla. Coast currently has twelve employees, four of whom <br />are Professional Land Surveyors licensed in California, Coast Surveying, Inc;. is a Certified <br />DBE firm with LACMTA and Caltrans. Certificate attached. <br />Coast has been providing professional surveying and mapping services, including centerilne <br />ties, Corner Records, construction staking, design surveys, serial photogrammetric mapping, <br />topographic surveys, hazmat surveys, legal descriptions, and right- of-way mapping, <br />throughout southern California for the last 32 years to such governmental agencies as: <br />Caitrans - Districts 5, 6, i, B, 9, 11 and 12; OCTA; RCTC; tv1TA; SCRRA; SBCAG; CFTC; <br />TCA; counties of Orange, Los Angeles, Mariposa, Riverside, and San Bernardino; cities of <br />Santa Ana, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Carden Grove, Tustin, Seal Beach; U.S, <br />Army Corps of Engineers; U.S. Navy; U.S. Ali, Force; FAA; BLM; Port of Long Beach; Port of <br />Los Angeles; San Diego Unified Port District; State Architects Office; CA Department of <br />General Services; CA Department of Water- Resources; and CA Department of Corrections, as <br />well as numerous private engineering companies. <br />t UIN f tJ.C1 ONTitACTS <br />Coast Surveying, Inc. currently has the following on -call contracts: <br />City of Santa Ana - Design Surveys and Construction Staking <br />City of Santa Ana -- Might of Way Services <br />City of Newport Beach - Surveying servicea <br />Clty of Garden Grave -- Surveying Services <br />City of Tustin -• Surveying Services <br />City of Irvine - Surveying Services <br />City of Pomona - Surveying Services <br />County of Los Angeles -M Surveying Services <br />County of Orange - hfap Checking Services <br />MIaf T CI j t7r aANTA ANA �xPIaIINC� <br />Numerous ,street Rehabilitation project$ for the City- design Surveys & Coast. Staking <br />Santo Clara Av.1Llncoin to Spurgeon Sewer & Water Lines -- Design surveys & Coast. Staking <br />Fifth Street /Jackson to Sullivan - Construction Staking <br />Byer Road at SR -55 Freeway - Design Surveys <br />Santa Ana 81vd, Grade Separation through AECOM -- Aerial, Design Survey & P/W <br />SA -5 on Bristol St. N /C? Alton through Tetra Tech, Inc. - Design Survey & Ctenterilne <br />First Street Bridge over Santa Ana Rfver through DMJM Harris - Aerial, Design Survey & W <br />25E -57 <br />