Bridge Rehabilitation through PBS &J (W. Koo & Assoc) — Design Surreys & PIW Defineatfon
<br />Parit Santiago Streets through DMJM Harris _ Design Surveys
<br />Wilshire Av„ Elder Av., & 13orchard Av. through DMJM Harris -- Aerial & Design Surveys
<br />Santiago Park Habitat Building through Tetra Tech, Inc. - Topographic Survey
<br />Fire Stations 4 & 8 through DMJM Harris _ Design Surveys
<br />Main Street, Warner Av. to eh St., through Tetra Tech, Inc. — Aerial &tapping, Design Survey,
<br />Centerline Determination, Centerline Ties, & Corner Records
<br />Thorton Park through DMJM Harris -- Design Surveys
<br />Santa Ana Civic Center Plaza through DMJM Harris — Design Surveys
<br />Subdivision Map Checking Services for the Cl#y of Santa Ana
<br />Design Surveys and Construction Stalling for the City of Santa Ana
<br />�_M
<br />See attached Exhibit D for references.
<br />STAER& — KEY Egg QNNEL
<br />Rust del Castillo has over 48 years of experience, the last 32 years with Coast, in managing
<br />both field and office operations for all phases of surveying and mapping services and was
<br />licensed as a Land Surveyor In California in 1975 as P.L.S. 4212, He has managed over 50
<br />"on-call" contracts directly for, or In support of, many federal, state and local agencies
<br />Including the Cities of Santa Ana, Tustin, Garden Crova, Irvine, Newport Beach, and Seal
<br />Beach, the Counties of Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Mariposa, the U,S. Forest
<br />Service, various U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Districts, the U.S. Navy . Southwest Dlvislcn
<br />and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD).
<br />He has a "hands -on" working knowledge of various land surveying services Including final
<br />subdivision map checking, right -cf way mapping, preparation of legal descriptions, boundary
<br />surveys & analysis, GPS surveys, topographic surveys, utility location surveys, aerial
<br />photogrammetric mapping, large-scale aerial and geodetic control, construction staking, and
<br />monitoring quantities. For example, while working directly for the County of Orange, Mr, del
<br />Castillo was responsible for all boundary surveys, first -order & second -order vertical and
<br />horizontal control surveys, photogrammetric mapping, control surveys and canteriine surveys,
<br />In 1981, he established his own surveying company in Orange County, Coast Surveying, Inc.
<br />Over a 30 -year period with a staff of up to 40, his company completed hundreds of surveying
<br />projects In southern California, generating over $50M in fees. Mr. del Castillo serves as Coast's
<br />President and provides project management as well as contract administration for all major
<br />Coast contracts, Mr. del Castillo is licensed as a Professional Land Surveyor in the states of
<br />California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Washington, and is also
<br />a Certified Federal surveyor (CFed$).
<br />Gwen dal Castillo has over thirty -seven years of surveying experience, the last 31 years with
<br />Coast, in southern California, was licensed as a Land Surveyor In California in 1982 as R L.S.
<br />2
<br />25E -58
<br />