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We will work closely with the engineer /surveyor of record and City staff to process each final <br />map, easement deed or lot line adjustment in a timely manner. We will also check and review <br />map boundaries, title reports and deeds, lot closures, and, If requested, field check final <br />monurnentation prior to release of bonds. In addition, we will review AutoCAD file submittals to <br />see that they are complete and report to City staff. <br />MIMI=, .« <br />If requested, prior to the start of construction, we will research at the City and County for <br />horizontal and vertical control, centerline ties, record maps, Corner Records, benchmarks, etc„ <br />within the project area. We will then recover all the centerline monuments and related ties that <br />may be disturbed during construction and set additional ties as necessary to perpetuate the <br />monuments, prepare pre - construction Corner Records and process them with the Orange <br />County Surveyor's Office. <br />If requested, after construction, we will reset any missing centerline monuments and ties and <br />prepare post - construction Corner Records and process them with the Orange County <br />Surveyor's Office and deliver a copy to the City of Santa Ana as well as a MicroStation .dgn <br />digital file for each tie sheet. All work will conform to Section 6771 of the land Surveyors Act. <br />We will also continue the City of Santa Ana's practice of showing the history of the <br />perpetuation of the monument on each Corner Record, <br />C+ASC U�fNG. QUALITY AS„&URLWi2g,,f g LU YC(>NTR%),?P„ „NAyp <br />SCHEDULE CONMOL <br />Coast Surveying, Inc, will perform all work In a manner equal to or better than the standard of <br />care for the Industry and will undergo Quality Assurance and quality Control. Quality Control <br />checks will be made throughout the course of the project. From field surveys through the final <br />completion and submittals, licensed land surveyors will perform independent reviews. Coast <br />ties standard quality control procedures for all deliverable products and associated tasks. <br />Coast employs proven Project Control Methods for both field surveys snd office work. These <br />controls and methodology set the standards and guidelines to be used. Survey Manager and <br />Key Personnel are "hands-on" type managers and will be Involved in thorough review at all <br />stages of the project. Effective project management coupled with a rigorous quality assurance <br />program is our proven approach to achieve the goals of each project. QA /QC will be <br />supervised by the QA /QC Director, Calvin Yoshitake, PLS. ONCIC will be performed at ail <br />stages of the planning and technical production. Some of the controls are: <br />• Review of the Task Order and Work Plan. <br />• Verifying control points. <br />• Using digital levels for level circuits. <br />• Closed traverses and level circuits. <br />• Field notes on special facilities. <br />• QA/QC; of the field data.. <br />• QA(QC of the office production. <br />• QA/QC of the final submittal to the client. <br />25E -60 <br />