5108, and has an AA degree in surveying from Santa Rosa College, Ms. del Castillo has had
<br />extensive experience in boundary analysis, preparation and checking of legal descriptions and
<br />maps, Corner Records, checking of final subdivision maps and Records of Surveys, research,
<br />as well as providing internal checking and duality control, Ms, del Castillo has also had
<br />extensive experience In field note reduction, calculations, preparation of as -built plans, and
<br />GIS database setup, input, review, analysis and output. Ms. del Castillo was responsible for
<br />the preparation and processing of centerline ties & Corner Records, as well as several
<br />Records of Survey.
<br />Kon Kasbohm has over thirty-six years of surveying experience; the last 23 years with Coast,
<br />In the field and directing field crews in performing all types of surveying including vertical and
<br />horizontal control, photo control, GPS surveys, topographic surveys, design surveys, boundary
<br />surveys, right of way surveys, and construction layout. Mr. Kasbohm Is a Professional Land
<br />Surveyor In California since 1957 as P.L.S. 7377, has been a Certified Party Chief since 1885,
<br />and has been Hazmat trained since 1586. Mr. Kasbohm directs the work of the field crews,
<br />sets up the work for each crew, and has continued to work as a survey party chief as needed.
<br />During the last few years, he has been responsible for the preparation of numerous Records
<br />of Survey for MWI7 properties along the Colorado River Aqueduct.
<br />Ct7NSTF tUgTiyUTLA�11 „w. APRRC At g t
<br />Prior to the start of construction and after eonstruCtk)n has been completed, we will perform
<br />monument preservation services as noted above.
<br />Our general approach will be to review the construction plans, specifications and standard
<br />plans, compute the locations of all improvements to be staked prior to construction, mark
<br />removal limits, stake the locations of items to be constructed on an agreed upon offset (such
<br />as: slope staking; rough grade, fine grade, rock grade, andlor finished surface; curb, curb &
<br />gutter, and /or edge of pavement; drainage structures; storm drain lines and manholes; water
<br />lines, fire hydrants; sewer Fines and manholes; utilities, bridge structures; light poles; and
<br />signal poles), checking Into existing improvements as needed.
<br />We will work closely with the Resident Engineer and City staff to coordinate the construction
<br />staking operations, and report any issues to the Resident Engineer. We will rerystako Items
<br />only as directed by the Resident Engineer and keep separate track of those particular hours.
<br />Our approach will be to review tentative maps, final maps, easement deeds and lot line
<br />adjustments using our detailed, working knowledge of the Subdivision Map Act, the Land
<br />Surveyor's Act, proper legal description preparation and map checking procedures utilized In
<br />the City of Santa Ana and the County of Orange for compliance with the Subdivision Map Act,
<br />the Land Surveyor's Act and the Conditions of Approval as set by the City staff, commissions
<br />and the City Council.
<br />25E -59
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