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1.15 SUBCONTRACTORS <br />Subcontractors used in the performance of this project shall be listed in the Contractors Bid Proposal. <br />Subcontractors shall be properly licensed by the State of California as a contractor to perform work of <br />this specialty and hold a valid business permit and certificate of insurance with the City of Santa Ana. <br />Should any subcontractor fail to perform the work undertaken by him to the satisfaction of the SAPRF, <br />said subcontractor shall be removed immediately from the project upon the request of the SAPRF and <br />shall not again be employed on the project. The Contractor shall be held liable for the correction of any <br />deficient work. <br />1.16 ADDITIONS AND /OR DELETIONS OF WORK <br />The SAPRF representative reserves the right to add and /or delete tree work on this project as deemed <br />necessary and in the best interest of the SAPRF. Additions and /or deletions shall be made at the unit <br />price accepted by SAPRF upon award of contract. <br />1.17 INSPECTIONS <br />An authorized SAPRF representative will inspect the work performed by the contractor to insure <br />completion of the pruning in accordance with SAPRF Pruning specifications. Should more than two (2) <br />inspections be required on trees needing additional work, the contractor will be billed for SAPRF staff <br />time. <br />1.18 BILLING <br />Contractor shall submit a fully itemized bill listing each tree noting: <br />a. Address (each tree). <br />b. Type of tree. <br />c. Date completed. <br />d. Person completing the job. <br />e. Location of tree (front, side right, side left, rear) <br />2.00 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS <br />All contractors are required to have a valid appropriate state contractor's license, current City of Santa <br />Ana business license, City Attorney approved certificate of insurance and be knowledgeable in tree <br />pruning and tree care prior to the commencement of any and all work. <br />2.01 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION <br />The current edition of the "Green Book ", Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and it's <br />updates, supplements and local addendums, shall be included as part of these specifications, unless <br />otherwise directed in these specifications. <br />2.02 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES AND STRUCTURES <br />The Contractor shall exercise due care in protecting from damage all existing facilities, structures, and <br />utilities, both above surface and underground on the City's property. Any damage to City, SAPRF, or <br />private property caused by the Contractor's neglect shall be corrected and paid for by the Contractor at <br />no cost to the City of Santa Ana or SAPRF. The City of Santa Ana and /or SAPRF shall make the <br />determination of fault. The SAPRF representative reserves the right to issue a Stop Work Notice if the <br />Contractor does not promptly repair any damage, within twenty -four (24) hours of the damage incurred. <br />If the SAPRF representative requests or directs the Contractor to perform work in a given area, it will be <br />the Contractor's responsibility to verify and locate any underground systems (i.e. utility lines) and take <br />responsibility for taking reasonable precaution when working in these areas. <br />Contractor shall call Underground Alert (800) 422 -4133) at least two working days prior to digging for <br />line locations. Any damage or problems shall be reported immediately to the SAPRF representative <br />Districts 1 and 3 Park Landscape RFP <br />Page 47 <br />