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and the City of Santa Ana. If the Contractor discovers something unexpected or a unique problem <br />occurs, he should stop work and immediately contact an authorized SAPRF representative for a timely <br />resolution of the problem. <br />2.03 CONTRACTOR'S STAFF <br />The Contractor shall provide sufficient personnel to perform all work in accordance with the <br />specifications set forth herein. A qualified, English speaking supervisor in the employ of the Contractor <br />shall supervise all of the Contractor's personnel. The supervisor shall be available at all times to the <br />SAPRF representative during work operations. The responsibility for all work performed will remain <br />with the full -time certified arborist. <br />The Contractor shall furnish the necessary competent and key personnel to properly supervise and <br />direct the work of fully equipped, competent and experienced crews as well as all safety equipment, <br />including but not limited to, all equipment and work procedures required by ANSI Z133.1 -1994. The <br />Contractor shall secure all timekeeping, bookkeeping and other necessary clerical and office work <br />required in the performance of the contract. <br />The Contractor shall be responsible for the supervision of all of his crews. He shall check all of his <br />crews regularly for proper quantity and quality of work, proper maintenance of tools and equipment, and <br />safety. <br />2.04 SUBSTITUTIONS <br />Whenever a specific type of material is specified, no substitutions shall be allowed without written <br />consent of the SAPRF representative. <br />2.05 CERTIFICATION OF MATERIALS <br />All materials shall be delivered on the site in original containers. Materials shall be subject to inspection <br />by the ARMD representative. The SAPRF representative will not approve materials not meeting the <br />SAPRF standards, and Contractor shall return any such non - satisfactory items at his /her cost. <br />2.06 CONTRACTOR NEGLECT <br />Any damage to the City of Santa Ana, SAPRF, or private property, which has been determined to be <br />due to the Contractor's neglect, shall be corrected at no additional cost to the City of Santa Ana or the <br />SAPRF. <br />2.07 HOURS OF OPERATION <br />The Contractor shall perform all work between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through <br />Friday. No work shall be performed on weekends or on City recognized holidays without written <br />SAPRF approval. <br />2.08 SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS <br />The work performed shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works <br />Construction, latest edition, hereinafter referred to as Standard Specifications. In case of conflict <br />between the Standard Specifications and this Specification, this Specification shall take precedence <br />over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. <br />Where the plans or specifications describe portions of work in general terms, but not complete detail, it <br />is understood that workmanship of the finest quality is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the <br />Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals and do all the work <br />involved in executing the contract. <br />2.09 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT <br />The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for safe operation of his equipment and the <br />protection of the public from injury and damage from such equipment. <br />Districts 1 and 3 Park Landscape RFP <br />Page 48 <br />