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EDAP allows NTED training partner to charge for a course delivery when the Federal <br />grant that developed the program is completed or more deliveries of a requested class <br />are needed than the grant funds can accommodate. This cost per class is approved by <br />FEMA so that States pay for the cost of instruction only, not the curriculum development <br />_costs -that were paid -by FEMA tra`ning grant funds. HSSP-fu s a effused F pay for <br />the delivery of these classes within a State at the request of the SAA/TPOC, <br />Attending Training Not Provided by FEMA (State or Federal Sponsored Courses). <br />States, territories, and Urban Areas are not required to request approval from FEMA for <br />personnel to attend training not provided by FEMA (State or Federal- sponsored <br />courses) provided that the training is coordinated with and approved by the SAA or <br />TPOC and falls within the FEMA mission scope and the jurisdiction's EOP and strategy <br />of preparing State, local, Tribal, and territorial personnel or citizens to prevent, protect <br />against, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism or catastrophic events. <br />States, territories, and Urban Areas are required, within 30 days after attendance, to <br />submit information through the SAA or TPOC via Web -Forms on all training not <br />provided by FEMA, but supported with HSGP funds. This information will consist of <br />course title, course description, mission area, level of training, the training provider, the <br />date of the course, the number and associated disciplines of the individuals, and the <br />sponsoring jurisdiction. States, territories, and Urban Areas intending to use FEMA <br />funds to support attendance at training not provided by FEMA must ensure these <br />courses: <br />• Fall within the FEMA mission scope to prepare State, local, Tribal, and territorial <br />personnel to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from acts of <br />terrorism and catastrophic events <br />• Build additional capabilities that: (a) support a specific training need identified by <br />the State, territory, and Urban Area, and (b) comport with the State, territory, or <br />Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy <br />• Address specific tasks and /or competencies articulated in FEMA's Emergency <br />Responder Guidelines and the Homeland Security Guidelines for Prevention and <br />Deterrence <br />• Address specific capabilities and related tasks articulated in the September 2007 <br />version of the TCL <br />• Support the specific program training activities identified in the individual HSGP <br />grant programs (SHSP, UASI, OPSG, MMRS, CCP) for which the funding will be <br />used <br />In support of the continuing efforts to build common catalogs of approved training not <br />provided by FEMA, the SAAfTPOC will be allowed three deliveries of the same course <br />within a State /territory before the course is required to go through the NTED State <br />course review and approval process. Additional course deliveries will be authorized <br />during the review period. However, if the course is disapproved as part of the process, <br />no additional FEMA funds can be dedicated to attending the course. <br />72 <br />