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prepare Stat��L, local, Tribal, and territorial personnel to Prevent, protect - . <br />againsk, respond to, artd;recover,frorp acts'of terrofism or catastrophic <br />.�., <br />events: <br />JLdLCJNVIIJVI CU vvuro U� , - , <br />� delivered by mstitutioras or organizations other {ran Federal entities or" <br />FEMA and aresponsored by the,SAA or their designated TPOC <br />Approved State Sponsored Course Catalog. This catalog lists <br />State /territory sponsored courses that fall Within the FEMA'mission scope <br />and-have been approved through the FEMA course review and approval <br />process An updated version of this catalog can be accessed at <br />htto //www firsTrespondertraininp:pov. <br />- Federal Sponsored Courses. This catalog lists courses developed for <br />and /or delivered by in funded by `Federal entities other than <br />FEMA. <br />- Approved Federal Sponsored Course Catalog. This catalog lists Federal - <br />sponsored courses that fall within the FEMA mission scope, `and have <br />been approved through the FEMA course review and approval process. <br />An updated version of this catalog can be accessed at <br />htto / /www firstrespondertraining:pov. <br />Additionally the new National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) Online <br />Course Catalog (OCC) allows access to courses delivered by the CDP, <br />EMI, and NTED. It can be accessed at httP�11trainino fema gov/occ% <br />- Joint Training and Exercises with the Public and Private Sectors. These <br />courses are sponsored and coordinated by private sector entities to <br />enhance public - private partnerships for training personnel to prevent, <br />protect against, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism or <br />catastrophic events, <br />- FEMA Provided Training. FEMA funds the direct delivery of a variety of <br />courses that States, Tribes, and territories can request to meet training <br />needs. These courses are listed in the NTED approved course catalog <br />listed at http.-//www firstresoondertrainina.goy. <br />Each FEMA training partner should contact the SAA or designated TPOC for locations <br />within the State that are appropriate for the training. When the direct delivery funds are <br />exhausted, the training partner can continue to offer the classes to the States through <br />one of two methods —the Voluntary Training Enhancement Program (VTEP) or the <br />Excess Delivery Acquisition Program (EDAP). <br />VTEP is a voluntary program designed to increase flexibility for States and territories <br />while enhancing NTE's training delivery capability and complementing the current <br />training partner pool. Funding from previous fiscal years may be used to support a <br />State, territory, or Urban Area's implementation of this program. Through VTEP, the <br />SAA has the authority to adopt various NTED provided programs for delivery by <br />institutions within its State and local jurisdictions, and designate institutions as <br />recognized providers for the identified standardized curriculum. <br />71 <br />