Enhances understanding of a particular local hazard CERT members might.
<br />encounter' in thei! response activities
<br />There isuio, cap on the numlper of deliveries Sate orf ocal lunsdictlons nayconduct of
<br />the CERT Basic Training the CERT Train, the - Trainer Campus C, ART Tr'aln the
<br />Trainer„ Teen CERT Tram, =the Trainer or CERT Program Manager courses, or
<br />supplemental /advanced training for CERT program participants
<br />Any training supported with these CCP funds should be delivered with specific
<br />consideration to include all, ages, ethnic and cultural groups, persons with disabilities,
<br />- _- -
<br />and access and functional neds populations at venues'throughout the community, to-
<br />e
<br />include schools, neighborhoods, places of worship, the private sector, non'..
<br />__......,.,,..;..tai nrnani>atinns nnri nnvernment locations.' Expenditures to_,provide _
<br />necessary [1U[1-Z' L1UUW1a1 .... -
<br />and functional needs is allowable (e.g., sign language interpreters, CART and other
<br />modifications of policies and practices to fully include participants with disabilities).
<br />Jurisdictions are also encouraged to leverage existing training provided via
<br />educational /professional facilities and to incorporate non - traditional methodologies such
<br />as the internet, distance learning, or home study whenever such delivery supports
<br />training objectives. Pilot courses and innovative approaches to training citizens and
<br />instructors are encouraged:
<br />Instruction for trainers and training to support the Citizen Corps Council members in
<br />their efforts to manage and coordinate the Citizen Corps mission is also an allowable
<br />use of the FY 2011 CCP funding..
<br />Allowable Training Costs
<br />Allowable training- related costs include, but are not limited to, the following:
<br />• Developing, Delivering, and Evaluating Training, Includes costs related to
<br />administering the training, planning, scheduling, facilities, materials and supplies,
<br />reproduction of materials, disability accommodations, and equipment.
<br />• Overtime and Backfill. The entire amount of overtime costs, including payments
<br />related to backfilling personnel, which are the direct result of attendance at FEMA
<br />and /or approved training courses and programs, are allowable. These costs are
<br />allowed only to the extent the payment for such services is in accordance with
<br />the policies of the State or unit(s) of local government and has the approval of
<br />the State or the awarding agency, whichever is applicable, In no case is dual
<br />compensation allowable. That is, an employee of a unit of government may not
<br />receive compensation from their unit or agency of government AND from an
<br />award for a single period of time (e.g., 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.), even though such
<br />work may benefit both activities.
<br />Travel. Costs (e.g,, airfare, mileage, per diem, hotel) are allowable as expenses
<br />by employees who are on travel status for official business related to approved
<br />training.
<br />75
<br />