i 7,7 r
<br />A. Eliaible Applicants,
<br />All 56 States and territories, are eligible to apply for HSGP funds., The SAA is the only
<br />entity eligible to submit applications to FEMA for SHSP, UASI, OPSG, MRS, and
<br />CCP, --
<br />B. Governance
<br />National Incident Management System (NIMS) Implementation
<br />In accordance With Homeland Security, Presidential Directive (HSPD) -5, Management of
<br />Domestic Incidents, the adoption of the NIMS is a requirement to receive Federal
<br />preparedness assistance, through grants, contracts, and other activities. The NIMS
<br />provides a consistent nationwide, template to enable all levels of government, Tribal
<br />nations, nongovernmental organizations including voluntary organizations, and private
<br />sector partners to work together to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from,
<br />and mitigate the effects of incidents, regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity.
<br />Federal FY 2010 NIMS implementation must be considered prior to allocation of any
<br />Federal preparedness awards in FY 2011. Since FY 2007, the National Integration
<br />Center (NIC) has advised State, Tribal nation, and local governments to self assess
<br />their respective progress relating to NIMS implementation objectives in the NIMS
<br />Compliance_Assistance Support Tool (NIMSCAST) .12 The list of objectives against
<br />which progress and achievement are assessed and reported can be found at
<br />htt : / /www.fema. ovlemer enc lnimsllm lementationGttidanceStakeholders .shtm #item2.
<br />All State, Tribal nation, and local government grantees should update their respective
<br />NIMSCAST assessments and, if necessary, submit a Corrective Action Plan via
<br />NIMSCAST for FY 2010, Corrective Action Plans are only required if a jurisdiction fails
<br />to meet one of the NIMS implementation activities. Comprehensive information
<br />concerning NIMS implementation for States, Tribal nations, local governments,
<br />nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector is available through the NIC at
<br />FEMA's NIMS Resource Center at www fema.aov /nims.
<br />State, Tribal, and local governments should continue to implement NIMS training
<br />guidance (course curricula and instructor qualifications) contained in the Five -Year
<br />NIMS Training Plan, released in February 2008 and any successor guidance released
<br />by FEMA. [Note: Coursework and training developed and /or delivered by National
<br />Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) meet the course and instructor requirements of
<br />11 As defined in the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107 -296), the term "State" means "any Stale of the United States,
<br />the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
<br />Islands, and any possession of the United States" 6 U.S.C. 101 (14).
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