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staff with the coordination of all the various aspects of the real property acquisition process and ensure all work will <br />be performed in accordance with the City's policies and procedures and federal, state, and local regulations. <br />Mr. Williams will completely monitor the acquisition process Including ensuring that the acquisition agent will <br />thoroughly review the particular assignment to make sure all needed information is obtained. Typical steps In the <br />acquisition process are listed below: <br />• Prepare and send applicable informational notices and letters to the property owner; <br />• Attend appraisal inspection; <br />• Review all applicable information such as title reports, appraisals, existing leases, and other property related <br />documents; <br />• Prepare offer/acquisition package; <br />• Meet with owner to begin negotiations; <br />• Make at least three (3) personal contacts with each owner; <br />• Act in good faith at all times; <br />• Keep detailed agent logs for each parcel; <br />• Prepare organized and complete closing packages; and <br />• Provide eminent domain support to the City's Counsel, If necessary. <br />Administrative—HDR RES Staff <br />• Gather, review and reconcile all information necessary to deliver right of way for the project; resolve errors, <br />issues and uncertainties; establish and maintain project document files for HDR RES; <br />• Establish, maintain and close individual parcel files for each property owner; <br />• Prepare tracking and status documents In a form satisfactory to the City; and <br />• Document meetings as requested. <br />Relocation—Michele Chan and HDR RES Staff <br />HDR RES is thoroughly familiar with and competent in, all areas of the relocation process and proposes a staff of <br />agents who have extensive relocation experience under the Uniform Act. The project manager will direct HDR RES' <br />relocation team to ensure that the job Is performed professionally and successfully. Ms. Chan will verify that <br />relocation takes place on schedule and conforms to all federal and state guidelines, and the City's policies and <br />procedures. HDR RES will also prepare relocation plans, relocation guidelines, relocation cost estimates, project area <br />surveys, and other specialized reports. HDR RES' relocation services include, but are not limited to the following: <br />• Prepare project relocation plans for public review, if necessary; <br />• Interview displacees and determine eligibility; <br />• Provide General Information Notices; <br />• Provide advisory services; <br />• Search for replacement sites and/or temporary replacement sites; <br />• Coordinate with regulatory agencies; <br />• Prepare Individual relocation cost estimates, Including moving costs; <br />• Deliver 90 -Day Informational Notices; <br />• Perform Decent, Safe, and Sanitary inspections; <br />• Deliver 30 -Day Notices to Vacate; <br />• Coordinate and monitor moving activities; <br />• Process reimbursement claims; <br />• Advise and update City staff on various aspects of state and federal relocation law; and <br />• Provide ongoing status of relocation reports as specified by the City. <br />Relocation Plan <br />Profound understanding of relocation procedures and extensive experience is critical to relocate business and <br />residential occupants, and to manage the production schedule. HDR RES will prepare a Relocation Plan in <br />accordance with all the requirements of State Law, State HCD Guidelines, and the Relocation Assistance and Real <br />16 <br />