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FULL PACKET_2014-07-01
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2014-07-01
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6/27/2014 1:04:58 PM
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6/27/2014 11:13:27 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Standard Agreement DOT -213 City of Santa Ana <br />642572 <br />Page 21 of 29 <br />EXHIBIT C <br />transferred to other eligible contractors at the sole discretion of the STATE. At the option of the STATE, <br />the CONTRACTOR shall do one of the following; <br />A. Written Notice of Termination. The STATE may terminate this contract upon finding that the <br />CONTRACTOR is not operating the PROJECT equipment in accordance with the project description <br />in Exhibit A, Scope of Work, or that the CONTRACTOR is otherwise not complying with the terms of <br />this contract. Termination shall be by written notice specifying the reason for termination and giving <br />the CONTRACTOR thirty (30) days to correct the default. The STATE shall be the sole judge as to <br />whether the CONTRACTOR'S corrective measures are adequate. If CONTRACTOR fails to remedy <br />to STATE'S satisfaction the breach or default or any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this <br />contract the STATE shall have the right to terminate the contract without any further obligation to the <br />CONTRACTOR. Any such termination for default shall not in any way operate to preclude the STATE <br />from also pursuing all available remedies against CONTRACTOR and its sureties for said breach or <br />default. Once a contract has been terminated within the provisions of this section, the STATE <br />reserves the right to seize vehicles or equipment procured under this agreement. <br />B. Remit to the STATE the proportional amount of current market value that exceeds $5,000 per unit at <br />the time of disposition, if any, of PROJECT equipment which shall be based on the percentage of the <br />FTA grant funds paid by CONTRACTOR under this agreement. Fair market value shall be deemed to <br />be the value of the PROJECT equipment as determined by a competent appraisal at the time the <br />equipment is withdrawn from use; and <br />C. Return the equipment to the STATE in the same condition as when received by the CONTRACTOR, <br />except for reasonable wear and tear resulting from its use. The parties shall thereupon determine the <br />amount of compensation, if any, to be paid by the CONTRACTOR to the STATE in order to avoid any <br />STATE liability to FTA or to others. <br />49. Property Maintenance and Inspection. While the PROJECT is in the possession or control of the <br />CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall operate or maintain the PROJECT in accordance with detailed <br />maintenance and inspection schedules provided by the manufacturer, keeping a written log or record of all <br />repairs and maintenance. STATE and the FTA shall have the right to conduct periodic inspections for the <br />purpose of confirming the existence, condition, and proper maintenance of the PROJECT. No alterations <br />may be made to the PROJECT in its as- received condition without first receiving written approval from <br />STATE. <br />50. Insurance. <br />A. While the PROJECT equipment is in the possession or control of the CONTRACTOR, the <br />CONTRACTOR shall maintain adequate insurance protection against liability for damages For personal <br />bodily injuries (including death), property damage, and vehicle damage as conditioned in this section. <br />B, The minimum limits of liability may be increased by the STATE at any time upon thirty (30) days notice <br />to the CONTRACTOR. <br />C. The CONTRACTOR shall place Vehicle Physical Damage, including collision and comprehensive (fire, <br />theft, etc,) insurance for amounts equal to the actual cash value of each vehicle and any other <br />equipment that Is part of the PROJECT equipment, with deductibles acceptable to the STATE. This <br />insurance shall include a provision designating the State of California, Department of Transportation <br />as the Loss Payee for all purposes of adjusting, settling, or paying claims for damage to the insured <br />vehicle(s). <br />D. The STATE, Its officers, employees, and agents shall be named as additional insured. <br />20A -26 <br />Rev. Q3/2512014 <br />
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