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FULL PACKET_2014-07-01
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2014-07-01
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6/27/2014 1:04:58 PM
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6/27/2014 11:13:27 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Standard Agreement DOT -213 City of Santa Ana <br />642572 <br />Page 22 of 29 <br />EXHIBIT C <br />E. The STATE is designated as the Loss Payee for claims of damage to the insured vehicles) <br />F, The STATE will not be responsible for any premiums or assessments on the policy. <br />G. The CONTRACTOR, andlor third -party subcontractor, shall furnish to the STATE, before delivery of <br />the PROJECT vehicle(s) to the CONTRACTOR, a certificate of insurance issued by a company <br />licensed to write such insurance in California. <br />H. Prior to the annual insurance policy expiration date, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the STATE a <br />new certificate of insurance or other written evidence of Insurance satisfactory to the STATE. At any <br />time that such evidence of insurance has not been provided, the STATE shall have the right <br />immediately to take possession of the PROJECT equipment and to enter the property of the <br />CONTRACTOR for this purpose. <br />E The CONTRACTOR shall provide the STATE at least thirty (30) days notice of cancellation or material <br />change of the vehicle Insurance policy. <br />J, Public Agenc or For•Proflt CONTRACTORS. The following terms apply to all CONTRACTORS who <br />are defined as a Public Agency or For - Profit entity, regardless if they are providing the service as the <br />prime CONTRACTOR or subcontractor: <br />1. Property Damage: The CONTRACTOR shall place property damage, whether the property of one <br />or more claimants, in an amount not less than one million five hundred thousand dollars <br />($1,500,000) per occurrence (combined single limit) for property damage liability combined in <br />respect to vehicles with seating capacity of fifteen (15) or less, or five million dollars ($5,000,000) <br />per occurrence for property damage liability combined In respect to vehicles with seating capacity <br />of sixteen (16) or more, <br />2. Bodily Injury: The CONTRACTOR shall place bodily Injury in an amount not less than one million <br />five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) per occurrence ( corbined single limit) in respect to <br />vehicles with seating capacity of fifteen (15) or less, or five million dollars ($5,000,000) per <br />occurrence for bodily injury in respect to vehicles with seating capacity of sixteen (16) or more. <br />3. Vehicle Physical Damage: The CONTRACTOR shall place Vehicle Physical Damage, including <br />collision and comprehensive (fire, theft, eta) insurance for amounts equal to the actual cash value <br />of each vehicle and any other equipment that Is part of the PROJECT equipment, with deductibles <br />acceptable to the STATE. This Insurance shall include a provision designating the State of <br />California, Department of Transportation as the Loss Payee for all purposes of adjusting, settling, <br />or paying claims for damage to the insured vehicle(s). <br />K. Non- Profit Agencies: The following terms apply to all CONTRACTORS who are defined as a non- <br />profit agency, regardless if they are providing the service as the prime CONTRACTOR or <br />subcontractor: <br />1. Property Damage: The CONTRACTOR shall place property damage, whether the property of one <br />or more claimants, in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence <br />(combined single limit) for property damage liability combined in respect to vehicles with seating <br />capacity of fifteen (15) or less, or one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) per <br />occurrence for property damage liability combined in respect to vehicles with seating capacity of <br />sixteen (16) or more. <br />2. Bodily Injury: The CONTRACTOR shall place bodily injury in an amount not less than one million <br />dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence (combined single limit) in respect to vehicles with seating <br />Rev. 03125/2014 <br />Lam <br />20A -27 <br />
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