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w <br />anta Fe <br />BUILDING <br />Al NTrE N Ca E <br />If you ask most jaatitorial set'vtca provides, what would be tbe.most imporce at part of their <br />quality Control pr091!aua7 you would probably haar statements about how graRtiheic <br />supervision Is, Hero, is Santa Fa Building Mai'ntenmxee, we understand that it tapes more <br />thaa just great Supervisors to paz°form good quality servioe, Quality is a priority to all <br />Santa Fe Staff That is why we. havo created a seven step quality oouttol program to <br />insurs that we maintain a high level of sawllc'o and erflcianoy" <br />The seven :step quality oontrol program that Santa Fe utilities is as follows; <br />I) I�Xieir'rg <br />2� �'rainixtg <br />3j Supcxvisi'or: <br />4) Evaluation and performance inceantivos <br />9) Ste,ff'and Manal„ament Ccnaruu 4Eastiarr <br />6) proper tools(Bquiprment & Supplies) <br />7) Sraflbt7 I ules and heguTatlo h ,~ ftreatess <br />The pa'apass bogiins with the personaaet dcapattnxeut at.tlro hirihsg ptocas5: ki'Arizag the dght' <br />motivated" person, Who ha's the aaecossary abilities Santa PC Huildtaag Maintenance Is <br />looking for on an employee, is the first part, lqaldng sera that we have tha best quali#ied <br />erxtployae is the seocatd part, When we lnt0,VVIew appiivatAts, we look for Madvatiott, <br />altitude and oxporioaac * The pars rrumal wo hire'ror tiro J-ob has to have at least three good <br />refarenees ptatam -hay from previous omployer,s, They have to be motivated',indiAdu0s <br />who have the right mid the w llingness to learn rtew skills. For soaxta dient;s� <br />baekOrouud inve4gations. might also 1! e part of the Airing pr000as. Fi adiaag the right <br />personnel who will do well at providing jantiorial service is the iirs.t part of Santa ire "s <br />seven step Quality control program. <br />Tlae second stage mtgrts with, i*rcvidIRF, dha Proper + awi49 14 O$Ook Al &^t <br />improving perfa naance standards mid good gvallty cQatrol. It's not enough to just show a <br />new employwa trakbi g videos anti readt ag rna'W dal, 'T"krst N wiry Santa Fa utilizes a very <br />oomprehehsive teaming pxngtam to trail new employees audio keep nit ernployoos up to <br />date on SAM cl'euning methods. W16 rho }help of same of our vendors we keep up with 'the <br />17 <br />25D -44 <br />