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latest training on machinery and oleaz lag techniques. Santa ve also utilizes resour'oes <br />outside of the oornpany sajoh as irai nibs schools and cleanitia sgulioara. <br />As most coYnpanios might sa:y, sopervisian is tk e innst ianpcutaynt part of a good gt:wality <br />control program. Santa ke °a supervisoas are oftlle most vxper'ience oil theJanrtorlal .fiield: <br />'With unary years of experience and expertise iapxoviding Jaxdtorial services they know <br />what good quality service looks life and what a customer expeots. That is why we <br />supervise frequently depending on size afjab and on the amotuxt of staff boiug'ewployod <br />at a Job site, thr supervisions are done not to Intimidate or harass: ot,rr ottaployees but to <br />motivate and instill trust on their aaporvvisors. As quality of owioo rises supervisions <br />height bdoonae less frequent depending on oontraol an onstorraer.requirements. Oood <br />supervision is essential in oor line of work, but is only part of 'a process to create quality <br />setvioe, <br />Evaluation and incentiwea are important to keep a tow oxnplagee burn over within a <br />compmy. Eeedhaok through naga,rlar supervision allows Santa lie to see a cleans picture of <br />what is gotag On with its work §truce, it allows us to see if work perfb manw and quality <br />of service are bci ng aaaet by Santa l; o's oleanlaag, standards. it also helps was determine <br />where our faults are, and the areas we raced to improve nn, 11, ,j era'✓• giving to those <br />who go beyond t1aa, company's oxpeotatlon. Opportunity for advocelneat; Within the <br />cortapany aaad bontses/p)ft oards are some of the inoondves offer by Swim Pe Fftrildu s <br />Maintenance, <br />Good conuntrtaacation flaw between employees and management axe ossential for a stvoss <br />treo and happy worts' fares. .A stress rho, and happy worle.forGe leads to good, gt<al'1'ty <br />service, pespeot and being suppordye allowvs matragemotrl to build trust vwith our <br />empioygcs, The trarst 1NA we build with: our emptoyeaa its to .hays beftor <br />eommuaaication hetweoxa, Our employees arld motag' awon,t, We onoourage wurlters to <br />spook freely off riew ideas and' naw ways in wWoh we oaaa ttrtl ?rove our fervi.sxe, and to . <br />communicate any prof rams, wbi'k or service related. Like writli any groal; loam or <br />coxuparty, coax nusaicati n Is essenti'ai for suodeats. <br />`fraiaaing shad supervision are huportant but ri'`employaea do not have tho proper toots„ <br />materials and maaktixtuxp they vould.aot work an . clean k gisaafly, w"atata Pe wealet all of <br />Its staff to take pride atx their work, providing there with the propur`togks amd trafndng, <br />akkarwvs employees to ptrrform at a digiaex lovol. Arty temp mount dauaaged or not suitable, <br />ibr work is gt0oldy repaired or replaced. Damaged ur Improperly cared for tools are <br />safety hanrds and are obstaoles for employee perEormanca, 8quipmont working at their <br />Peak porfonnaaoo to what Banta Fe striders for, <br />Tbo last part of Santa re Tl ilCling iiYaintenaatna,y Control programs is safety, loot <br />leaving a single accident with in the Past 10 years says a lot about our safety program.. We <br />rxaak , sure that call sa'fetY pr'000dures are understood aaXd followed by all of out staff: <br />PrCSp06Y labeling; Of clea niog produce.), putting 'q%C',aM forms at awls Job location, and <br />[[ <br />25D -45 <br />