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Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 13; EO 12372; <br />Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Judicial Programs (OJP) Office <br />of the Comptroller, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, <br />Preparedness Directorate Financial Management Guide; U.S. <br />Department of Homeland Security, Office of Grants and Training, FY <br />2013 Homeland Security Grant Program — Program Guidance and <br />Application Kit; ODP WMD Training Course Catalogue; and DOJ Office <br />for Civil Rights. <br />Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) <br />requirements as stated in the Califomia Emergency Services Act, <br />Government Code Chapter 7 of Division 1 of Title 2, § 8607.1(e) and <br />CCR Title 19, §§ 2445 -2448. <br />1 ♦, <br />♦ } r <br />Part 70, Uniform Adml�lstrativ'e Requirements for # <br />Cooperative # of <br />Higher Learning, Hospitals and other Non-Profit Organizations; and <br />Part 83, # #e Requirements for a Drug Free <br />Workplace <br />2. Travel E caenses <br />♦ r 1 } <br />BUAS1112613 19 <br />