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State travel shall not be reimbursed without prior written <br />authorization from the UASI Grant Office. <br />SUB - RECIPIENT'S travel and per diem reimbursement costs shall <br />be reimbursed based on the SUB - RECIPIENT'S travel policies <br />and procedures. If SUB - RECIPIENT does not have established <br />travel policies and procedures, SUB - RECIPIENT'S reimbursement <br />rates shall not exceed the amounts established by the State <br />Department of Personnel Administration Rules and Regulations, <br />PML 97 -024, Section 599.619, dated July 1, 1997 and Section <br />599.631, and as amended from time to time, <br />SUB - RECIPIENT understands that failure to comply with any of the <br />above assurances may result in suspension, termination or reduction <br />of grant funds, and repayment by SUB - RECIPIENT to CITY of any <br />unlawful expenditures. <br />C. Compliance With Grant Assurances <br />To obtain the Grant Funds, the Grantor required an authorized representative <br />of the CITY to sign certain promises regarding the way the Grant Funds would <br />be spent ( "Grant Assurances "), attached hereto as Exhibit C. By signing these <br />Grant Assurances, the CITY became liable to the Grantor for any funds that <br />are used in violation of the grant requirements. SUB- RECIPIENT shall be <br />liable to the Grantor for any funds the Grantor determines SUB - RECIPIENT <br />used in violation of these Grant Assurances. SUB - RECIPIENT shall indemnify <br />and hold harmless the CITY for any sums the Grantor determines SUB - <br />RECIPIENT used in violation of the Grant Assurances. <br />rl <br />§415. Inventions. Patents and Copvriahts <br />A. Reporking Praoedure far Inventions <br />13UA81112613 20 <br />