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B. AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING <br />Santa Ana participated in the preparation of a regional Analysis of Impediments (AI) to Fair Housing <br />as the primary means to affirm fair housing opportunities in the community. The regional Al was a <br />joint effort of the Fair Housing Council of Orange County ( FHCOC), the County of Orange, and <br />Orange County jurisdictions that receive funds from HUD. HUD regulations require that an Al be <br />prepared in conjunction with the Consolidated Plan cycle (i.e., at least every five years). The current <br />regional Al was updated in 2010, and covers the time period of program years 2010 -2011 through <br />2014 -2015. <br />The AI identified impediments to fair housing choice on a regional basis and outlined strategies <br />regional partners implemented to overcome identified fair housing impediments. In compliance <br />with federal regulations, the following information is provided with respect to actions taken during <br />the report period to affirmatively further fair housing. <br />1. Actions to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing <br />As a means to affirm fair housing opportunities, the Al identifies regional impediments and outlined <br />an action plan to address impediments. It is important to note that not all of the impediments <br />delineated in the Al were present in Santa Ana during the report period. <br />• Housing Discrimination: Housing discrimination may be under reported, therefore, the number <br />of complaints may not accurately measure the extent of this fair housing impediment. For the <br />2013 -2014 Program Year, FHCOC opened 50 case files for allegations of housing discrimination. <br />Of these, 6 cases were opened for allegations involving Santa Ana residents /property owners. <br />• Real Estate Advertising: This impediment refers 'toprint advertisements for the sale /rental of a <br />dwelling that indicates a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, <br />sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, disability, sexual orientation, or <br />source of income. A review of relevant data (online and newspaper print ads) found that about <br />8 percent contained questionable language. The overwhelming majority of the questionable <br />language was "No Pets" which occurred in 14.8 percent of the ads. Other questionable <br />language included "near church /school." <br />• Hate Crimes: A hate crime is defined as "a criminal act committed, in whole or in part, because <br />of one or more of the following actual or perceived characteristics of the victim: disability, <br />gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, association with a <br />person /group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. <br />• Denial of Reasonable Modification / Reasonable Accommodation: During the 2013 -2014 <br />Program Year, FHCOC received 36 inquiries regarding reasonable accommodations and <br />modifications that resulted in case work beyond basic counseling. FHCOC directly assisted 11 <br />clients in receiveing reasonable accommodation or permission for a reasonable modification, <br />two other clients were provided assistance filing administrative housing discrimination <br />11 DRAFT 2013 -2014 CAPER <br />Exhibit 2 <br />19F -20 <br />