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D. Part 1 -C: Barriers or Trends Overview <br />A significant factor impacting accomplishment of HOPWA goals in Orange County is the continued <br />high cost of housing, which increases the size of subsidies necessary to make decent, safe and <br />sanitary housing available to clients. An additional factor is the high unemployment rate which <br />makes it extremely difficult for clients to obtain gainful employment, and in particular, employment <br />offering health care benefits. Neither of these factors are within the power of the City to <br />significantly impact. <br />Other factors noted by service providers in the 2013 -2014 report period include the following: <br />• The current economic climate has reduced contributions via fundraising activities <br />• The period of time clients need transitional housing and /and financial assistance is longer <br />• There is an increase in the number of HIV /AIDS infected individuals being released from prisons <br />There has been in increase in first -time homeless with'HIV /AIDS <br />• There is an increased need for housing for HIV /AIDS populations with barriers such as housing <br />for undocumented and sex offenders <br />50 DRAFT 2013 -2014 CAPER <br />19F 99 <br />