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III. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION <br />A. General <br />The City defines the requirements that are imposed by the Affordable Rental <br />Housing Program. The Program Director oversees the Inclusionary Units upon <br />their completion, which includes calculating the Affordable Rents, determining <br />tenant eligibility, and monitoring program compliance on an ongoing basis. <br />B. Fair Housing Policy <br />Property Owners must comply fully with all Federal, State, and local non- <br />discrimination laws, Specifically, Property Owners shall not discriminate on <br />account of race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, creed, ancestry, national <br />or ethnic origin, age, family or marital status, handicap or disability, or deny any <br />Household or individual the opportunity to apply for or participate in the <br />Affordable Rental Housing Program. <br />C. Privacy Rights <br />All eligibility applications are held in strict confidence and are not considered <br />public records (H &SC Section 34332). Requests for the City to release <br />information involving an Applicant must be accompanied by a written release <br />request from the Applicant and /or a court order, unless disclosure is authorized <br />under Federal or State law. <br />D. Authorization <br />The Program Director and /or a designee are authorized to sign all documents <br />requiring approvals related to the development, waivers, subordinations, and any <br />non - substantial changes to these Administrative Procedures. <br />E. Administrative Procedures <br />Each Property Owner participating in the Affordable Rental Housing Program will <br />receive a copy of the Administrative Procedures Manual. The Administrative <br />Procedures may be updated from time to time to increase the programs' <br />effectiveness; modifications will require City Council approval <br />Affordable Rental Housing Administrative Procedures Page 10 <br />1407003.SNA August B. 2014 <br />19H -92 <br />