U. S. Department of Justice
<br />Office of Community Oriented Policing Sm4ces
<br />2014 COPS Luring Program Grant Terms and Conditions
<br />By signing the Award Document to accept this COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grant, die grantee agrees to abide by file following gram terms and conditions
<br />I. Grant Owner's Manual. The grantee agrees M comply %'fill the terms and conditions in die 2014 COPS Hiring Progrmn Grant Owner's Mannsl; COPS statute (42
<br />U.S.C. §. 3796dd, of seq.); 28 C.F.R. Part 66 or 28 O.F.R. Part 70 as applicable (governing administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements); 2 C.F.R.
<br />Part 225 (ONIB Circular A -87), 2 C.F.R. Part 220 (OMB Circular A-21),2 C.F.R. Part 230 (OME Circular A -122), and 48 C.F.R. Part 31.000 et seq. (FAR 31.2) as
<br />applicable (governing cost principles); OMB Circular A -133 (governing audits); mpresenmtions made in the CHP grant application and all other applicable program
<br />requirements, laws, orders, regulutions, or circulars.
<br />2. Aunumaces and Certifications The grantee acknowledges its agreement to comply with the Assurances and Certifications forms dust were signed as part of its
<br />CHP application.
<br />3. Allowable Costs. The finding under this project is for the payment of approved full -time entry -level salaries and fringe benefits over tluee years (fora total of 36
<br />months of funding), up to a maximum federal share of $125,000 perof£icar position forcamer law enforcement officer positions (tired and/or rehired on or after the
<br />official grant award start dale. Any salary and fringe benefit costs higher than entry-level that your agency pays a CHP -Pooded officer must be paid with local funds.
<br />Your agency is required to use CHP grant funds for the specific biting categories awarded. Funding under this program truly be used for the following categories:
<br />a. Hiring new officers, which includes filling existing officer vacancies that are on longer funded in your agency's budget;
<br />b. Rehiring otrcm laid off by any jurisdiction as a result of state, local, or Bumm of Indian Affairs (BIA) budget cuts; and/or
<br />c. Rehiring officers who were, at the time of grant application, scheduled to be laid off (by your jurisdiction) on a specific future dam as a result ofstate, local, or BIA
<br />budget cuts.
<br />If you agency's local fiscal conditions have changed and your agency needs to change one or more of the funded hiring categories, your agency should request a post-
<br />award grant modification and receive prior approval before spending CHP funding order the new category.
<br />The Financial Clearance Memorandum (FCNI), included in your award package, specifies the amount of CHP funds awarded to your agency. You should carefully
<br />review your FCM, width contains the foul officer salary and fringe benefit categories and amouras for which your agency was approved. Plane now that tine salary
<br />and fringe benefit costs requested in your CHP application may have been adjusted or removed. You agency may only be reimbursed for the approved cost categories
<br />that tun documented within die FCM, up in the amounts specified in the FCNt Your agency may not use CHP funds for any emu that are not identified as
<br />allowable In the Financial Clearance Memorandum.
<br />Only actual allowable costs incurred during cite grant award period will be eligible for reimbursement and drawdawn. If your agency experiences any cost savings over
<br />cite course of die grant (for example, your grant application overestimated cite total entry-level officer salary and fringe benef m package), your agency may not use that
<br />excess funding in extend the length of the grant beyond 36 months. Any funds remaining after your ageney frail drawn down for the costs of approved salaries and
<br />fringe be<efits incurred for each awarded position during tine 36 -month funding period will be deobligated during the closeout process, and should tut be spent by your
<br />agency.
<br />4. Latin Match. Gannets are required to contribute a local match of at least 25 percent towards the mail cost of die approved grant project, umlow waived in writing
<br />by the COPS Office. Tho local ninth mustbe a etch match tram funds not previously budgeted for law enforcement purposes and must be paid during the grant award
<br />period The local match contribution must be made on an increasing basis during each year of the three -year grant period, with the Federal share decreasing
<br />accordingly.
<br />5. 5uppkementing, Not Supplanting. State, local, or BIA foals budgeted to pay forsworn officer positions irrespective of the receipt of CHP grant funds may not be
<br />reallocated in odor purposes or refunded as a result of a CHP grant being awarded. Non - federal funds most remain available for and devoted to that purpose, with CHP
<br />funds supplementing those non- fbdemt funds. Funding awarded cannot be obligated until afterdte grant award start date. This means that CHP funds cannot be applied
<br />no any agency castor obligation incurred prior to the award start date. In addition, you agency must akaactive and finely steps pursuant wits slandardprocedures in
<br />fully fund law enfocemenr costa already budgeted as well as fill all locally -funded vacancies; resulting from attrition during the life of His grant.
<br />6. Retention. At the time of grant application, your agency committed to retaining all swam officer positions awarded under die CHP grant with state anrVor local
<br />funds for a minimum of 12 months following the conclusion of 36 months of federal funding for each position, over and above [the number of locally - funded swom
<br />officer positions that would have existed in the absence of the gram. Youragency cannot satisfy die retention requirement by using CHP -funded positions to All
<br />locally- funded vacancies resulting fmm attrition.
<br />7. Extensions- Your agency may request an extension of dm grant award period to receive additional Him to implement your grant program. Such extensions do not
<br />provide additional funding. Grants may be extended a maximum of 36 months beyond the initial award expiration dune. Any request for an extension beyond 36
<br />mouths will be evaluated an a case -by -case basis. Only those grantees that can provide a masonablejustification for delays will be granted no -cast extensions.
<br />Reasonablejusdfications may inoludo difficulties in filling COPS -funded positions, officer turnover, or other circumstances tat interrupt the 36 -month grant funding
<br />period. An extension allows your agency to complawate for such delays by providing additanal time in complete the full 36 monthhs of funding for each position
<br />awarded. Extension requests mutt be received prior to the and date a( the award.
<br />8. Modifications. During the CHP grant award period, it tray become necessary for an agency to modify its CHP grant award due to changes in an agency's fiscal or
<br />law enforcement situation. Modification requests should be submitted in the COPS Office when an agency determines that it will need to shift officer positions
<br />awarded in one hiring category into a different hiring category, reduce the toil number ofpwitim, awarded, shift funds among benefit categories, and/air reduce the
<br />entry-level salary and fringe benefit amounts. For example, an agency may have been awarded CHP grant funding for can new, additional full -time sworn officer
<br />positions, but due in severe fiscal distress/consmaints, the agency determines it is unable to snsain all ten positions and must reduce its request to five full -time
<br />positions; or an agency may have been awarded CHP grist funding for two cow, additional sworn officer positions, but due to fiscal disttess/consvaints the agcocy
<br />needs an change the hiring category from the new hire category to tle relhim category Car officers laid off or scheduled for lay -off on a specific future date post -
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