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Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation <br />shoofly tracks east of existing railroad tracks. Nine parcels will require full acquisition, three <br />parcels will require partial acquisition, and ten parcels will require temporary construction <br />easements. Due the preliminary nature of this study, individual property owners were not <br />consulted to determine the extent of the impacts to their properties. Full acquisition of a <br />parcel is assumed where the proposed shoofly or detour road will impact an existing <br />building, otherwise, temporary construction easements are assumed. Refer to Attachment G <br />for a breakdown of the right -of -way requirements. <br />5.6 Drainage <br />The drainage designs for the preferred alternative of the project follows the current Orange <br />County Hydrology Manual (1986) and City of Santa Ana engineering design standards. <br />Generally, 100 -year and 25 -year storm water discharges will be studied for sump conditions <br />and gravity /flow -by conditions respectively. <br />The project site currently receives surface flows generally from northeast to southwest by <br />means of street flow. There is an existing storm drain system consisting of a 24 -inch <br />reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) and catch basins at Santa Ana Boulevard near the existing <br />railroad at -grade crossing that receives surface flow from the project site and offsite flows <br />from north of Santa Ana Boulevard. The project site runoff then drains to Santa Ana Delhi <br />Channel and eventually discharges to Upper Newport Bay and Lower Newport Bay. <br />In the proposed condition, a pump station and new catch basins are proposed to collect <br />runoff in the newly created sump along Santa Ana Boulevard. The outflow from the pump <br />station will be discharged to the existing 24 -inch drainage system along Santa Ana <br />Boulevard west of the project limit. A portion of the existing 24 -inch RCP conflicting with the <br />proposed improvements will be removed and a drainage system will be reestablished <br />between the existing drainage system and the pump station. It is noted that the exact <br />location and configuration of the pump station will be determined in the next phase of the <br />project as details of the SARTC Master Plan and Street Car Corridor become available. <br />Tentatively, the pump station is located next to the Fuller Street cul -de -sac since this is the <br />area least impact by future SARTC expansion. <br />The drainage pattern at Santiago Street near the project is not anticipated to be changed; <br />however, additional catch basins should be considered at the northeast corner of the Santa <br />Ana Boulevard / Santiago Street intersection to reduce surface flow traveling toward the <br />proposed sump. The street flow along Logan Street and Lincoln Avenue north of Santa Ana <br />Boulevard will be captured by an at grade swale before the underpass. <br />5.7 Utilities <br />Refer to Attachment H for exhibits showing existing and proposed utilities. There are <br />numerous existing utilities within the project footprint. Based on field investigation, as -built <br />plan research, and coordination with various utilities owners, the existing utilities are <br />summarized below. <br />City of Santa Ana: <br />12" waterlines: A 12" waterline runs east -west along the Santa Ana Boulevard. It ties <br />into a 16" waterline to near the intersection of the Santa Ana Boulevard and Santiago <br />Street and tees into a 20" waterline running north -south direction along the Fuller Street <br />to the east. A 20" waterline continues to the east under Santa Ana Boulevard until it <br />connects to the 16" waterline along Grand Avenue. <br />PROJECT REPORT EQUIVALENT 19E-19 10 <br />