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Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation <br />Table 4 - Cost Breakdown <br />Construction Cost <br />$43.3M <br />Roadway <br />$33.1M <br />Structures <br />$10.2M <br />Right -of -Way <br />$15.6M <br />Total Project Capital Outlay <br />$59.9M <br />Support (PS &E, Right -of -Way, Construction, <br />Program Management) <br />$12.3M <br />Total Project Cost <br />$71.2M <br />6 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION <br />Caltrans is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Lead Agency for this project. Initially, <br />Caltrans determined that the appropriate environmental documentation for NEPA compliance is <br />an Environmental Assessment (EA). Refer to Attachment J for the Preliminary Environment <br />Study (PES). However, upon the completion of the required technical studies and public meeting, <br />it was determined that the project is Categorically Excluded (CE). The Categorical Exemption / <br />Categorical Exclusion Determination Form is included as Attachment K. The project is also <br />Statutorily Exempt (SE) from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section <br />15282(g). City has filed the Notice of Exemption (NOE) as the lead agency on June 23, 2014. <br />The PES recommended the following technical studies to support these documents: Traffic Study; <br />Noise Study Report; Air Quality Assessment Report; Initial Site Assessment; Water Quality <br />Memorandum; Natural Environmental Study- Minimum Impact; Visual Impact Assessment; <br />Relocation Impact Memorandum; Historical Property Survey Report; Archaeological Survey <br />Report, Historic Resources Evaluation Report, and Community Impact Assessment. The <br />Environmental Commitment Record listing various mitigation measures is included as Attachment <br />L. The result of the Traffic Study is included in Section 4.5 and the results of the remaining studies <br />are included as follows: <br />6.1 Noise Study Report (NSR): <br />The NSR determined that six of the 16 modeled receivers (representative of six residences <br />or noise - sensitive receptors) would approach or exceed the FHWA/Caltrans noise <br />abatement criteria (NAC) for Activity Category B and C land uses with the implementation of <br />the project. Noise abatement in the form of soundwalls was considered. Two soundwalls <br />were found to be acoustically feasible and the estimated cost to construct was compared <br />with the reasonable allowance. NB -2 was determined to be reasonable to construct at <br />heights of 12 to 16 feet. <br />During construction of the proposed project, noise from construction activities would <br />intermittently dominate the noise environment in the immediate area of construction. <br />Conventional construction equipment is expected to generate maximum noise levels ranging <br />from 75 to 99 decibels (dB) at a distance of 50 feet, while noise from pile driving, if <br />necessary, would generate maximum noise levels of approximately 101 dB at a distance of <br />50 feet. Noise produced by construction equipment would diminish over distance at a rate of <br />about 6 dB per doubling of distance. No adverse noise impacts from construction are <br />anticipated because construction would be conducted in accordance with the Department's <br />PROJECT REPORT EQUIVALENT 19E -22 13 <br />