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Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation <br />provisions in Section 14 -8.02, "Noise Control" of the Draft 2010 Standard Specifications and <br />Special Provisions (SSP S5 -310), and applicable local noise standards. <br />The closest residences to the project site are within 50 feet from the project construction <br />areas. Therefore, these residences may be subject to short -term noise reaching 95 dBA <br />maximum sound level (L max) or higher generated by project construction activities. <br />Proposed avoidance and /or minimization measures include: <br />N -1 Comply with the construction hours specified in the City of Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code, Noise Section 18 -314. <br />N -2 Noise control will conform to the provisions in Section 14 -8.02 and Standard <br />Special Provision S5 -310. The noise level from the contractor's operations between the <br />hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. will not exceed 86 dBA L eq (h) at a distance of 50 feet. <br />This requirement in no way relieves the contractor from responsibility for complying with <br />local ordinances regulating noise levels. The contractor should use an alternative warning <br />method instead of a sound signal unless required by safety laws. In addition, the contractor <br />will equip all internal combustion engines with the manufacturer - recommended mufflers and <br />will not operate any internal combustion engine on the job site without the appropriate <br />muffler. <br />N -3 The sound barriers that are determined to be reasonable and feasible shall be <br />coordinated with the affected property owners. All benefited residents and property owners <br />will be notified should a change in placement or removal of any soundwall occur during the <br />design phase. Additionally, all residents /property owners will be notified of final soundwall <br />locations prior to 100% PS &E. <br />N -4 The contractor will implement appropriate additional noise mitigation measures, <br />including changing the location of stationary construction equipment, turning off idling <br />equipment, rescheduling construction activity, notifying adjacent residents in advance of <br />construction work, and installing acoustic barriers around stationary construction noise <br />sources. <br />6.2 Air Quality Assessment Report: <br />The Air Quality Assessment Report determined that the project would have no adverse <br />impacts under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The determination is based on the <br />following: <br />• during project construction, the implementation of exhaust and fugitive dust emission <br />control measures would avoid and /or minimize impacts to air quality; <br />the project is included in the Southern California Association of Government's <br />(SCAG) 2008 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and SCAG 2011 Federal <br />Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) (Project ID ORA082610), which implies <br />that project's operational emissions (which include the ozone precursors reactive <br />organic gases (ROG) and oxides of nitrogen (NOX) meet the transportation <br />conformity requirements imposed by EPA and the South Coast Air Quality <br />Management District (SCAQMD). As such, the project would not exceed the motor <br />vehicle emissions budget for the region; <br />PROJECT REPORT EQUIVALENT 19E -23 14 <br />