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Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation <br />and other compliance related documents required by the permit, shall be mailed to the State <br />Water Quality Control Board. <br />The project SWPPP shall be prepared by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) or a <br />Qualified SWPPP Developers (QSD) to address all construction related activities, <br />equipment, and materials that have the potential to impact the water quality. The SWPPP <br />shall identify the sources of pollutants that may affect the quality of storm water and include <br />construction site BMPs to control pollutants and sediments. The SWPPP shall include <br />erosion control, sediment control, wind erosion control, tracking control, and all other <br />applicable non - stormwater management and material management BMPs. All construction <br />site BMPs shall follow the latest edition of the CASQA Stormwater Best Management <br />Practice Handbook for Construction. In addition, the project water quality risk level shall be <br />identified. Rain Event Action Plan, Field Monitoring, and Reporting Guidance shall be <br />prepared for effluent monitoring and receiving water monitoring. <br />The General Permit requires that permittees prepare, certify, and electronically submit an <br />Annual Report no later than September 1st of each year. Reporting requirements are <br />identified in Section XVI of the General Permit. <br />WQ -2 Treatment BMPs shall be implemented to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), <br />consistent with the requirements of the Orange County MS4 Permit, Order R8- 2009 -0030 <br />(amended by Order R8 -2010 -0062, NPDES No. CAS 618030). Biofiltration systems or catch <br />basin filter inserts are proposed as the potential treatment BMPs for the project. Detailed <br />design of the BMP and the location will be determined in the final engineering phase. <br />Removal of existing vegetation will be minimized to the greatest extent possible and any <br />mature trees to be saved would be identified on final plans. The final siting and design of <br />treatment BMPs will be designed in compliance with the 2010 OC Model Water Quality <br />Management Plan (WQMP), the Technical Guidance Document (TGD) and the 2003 OC <br />Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP). <br />WQ -3 Design pollution prevention BMPs shall be implemented in accordance with Green <br />Streets Municipal Handbook (EPA- 833 -F -08 -009; 2008), such as preservation of existing <br />vegetation, slope /surface protection systems (permanent soil stabilization), concentrated <br />flow conveyance systems such as ditches, berms, dikes, and swales, overside drains, flared <br />end sections, and outlet protection /velocity dissipation devices. <br />6.5 Natural Environmental Study- Minimum Impact (NES /MI) <br />The NES - Minimal Impacts (NES /MI) found no natural vegetation communities occurring <br />within the Biological Study Area (BSA). In addition, no impact to jurisdictional waters and <br />wetlands would occur as these resources are not present within the BSA. <br />The following measures are avoidance and /or minimization measures to reduce impacts to <br />species. <br />BIO -1 Preconstruction Nesting Bird Survey. If project - related site disturbances are <br />scheduled to occur during the core nesting period (February 15 through September 1), a <br />qualified biologist will perform preconstruction nesting bird surveys. The survey will be <br />completed within seven days prior to any project - related disturbances. If native birds are <br />nesting on or within 100 feet (as accessible) of the LOD, a 100 -foot buffer (or an alternative <br />width, as determined by a qualified ornithologist) should be flagged around the nest, and no <br />PROJECT REPORT EQUIVALENT 19E -26 17 <br />