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Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation <br />13I0-4 Standard Best Management Practices. Applicable Best Management Practices <br />shall be implemented. These include but are not limited to: <br />• Water pollution and erosion control plans shall be developed and implemented in <br />accordance with Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. <br />• Equipment storage, fueling, and staging areas shall be located at sites with <br />minimal risks of direct drainage into surface waters. Project related spills of <br />hazardous materials shall be reported to appropriate entities, including but not <br />limited to the City and /or RWQCB, and shall be cleaned up immediately and <br />contaminated soils removed to approved disposal areas. <br />• Exotic species removed during construction will be properly handled to prevent <br />sprouting or regrowth. <br />• Trucks with loads carrying vegetation will be covered, and vegetation materials <br />removed from the site will be disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and <br />regulations. <br />• Construction equipment will be cleaned of mud or other debris that may contain <br />invasive plants and /or seeds and inspected to reduce the potential of spreading <br />noxious weeds before mobilizing to the site and before leaving the site during the <br />course of construction. <br />• To avoid attracting wildlife to the project site, the construction shall be kept as <br />clean of debris as possible. All food related trash items shall be enclosed in sealed <br />containers and regularly removed from the site(s). <br />6.6 Visual Impact Assessment <br />The report concluded that the proposed project will not result in substantial adverse effects <br />on visual resources under the NEPA. <br />Since the project's grade separation features are essentially at or below existing grade <br />levels, they will not substantially affect either east or west - facing views along Santa Ana <br />Boulevard. As motorist or pedestrians enter the underpass while travelling eastward on <br />Santa Ana Boulevard, they will experience only the briefest interruptions in views of the <br />Lomas Ridge and the more distant Santa Ana Mountains ridgelines. Hence, no significant <br />changes to key views will occur. Residential viewers also will continue to have key east - <br />facing views of the mountain ridgelines available to them. The loss of mature trees will <br />reduce visual quality over a period of five or more years; however, because comparable <br />replacement landscaping will be installed per City and Caltrans' best management practice, <br />no adverse effects would occur under NEPA.. <br />Caltrans and FHWA mandate that a qualitative aesthetic approach be taken to mitigate for <br />visual quality loss in the project area. The proposed project fulfills these requirements <br />because it is expected that it will address the actual loss of visual quality that will occur in <br />the project viewshed within five to ten years of when the project is implemented by installing <br />comparable replacement trees for those proposed for removal, where feasible, and <br />groundcover where full right -of -way takes would necessitate demolition and /or where right - <br />of -way design constraints will preclude installation of replacement trees. The project will be <br />implemented in adherence to the guidance found in Caltrans' Highway Design Manual and <br />other Caltrans memoranda regarding landscape design policy, which mandates <br />consideration of the local design context in which the work is proposed and obtaining the <br />input of local governmental agencies. In addition, the project will be designed and <br />PROJECT REPORT EQUIVALENT 19E -28 19 <br />