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Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation <br />implemented with the concurrence of the District Landscape Architect. In summary, <br />substantial adverse effects under NEPA are not anticipated. <br />The following avoidance and minimization measures shall be implemented: <br />VIS -1 The project will be implemented in adherence to the guidance found in Caltrans' <br />Highway Design Manual and other Caltrans memoranda regarding landscape design policy, <br />which mandates consideration of the local design context in which the work is proposed and <br />obtaining the input of local governmental agencies. In addition, the project will be designed <br />and implemented with the concurrence of the District Landscape Architect. <br />6.7 Relocation Impact Memo <br />The project would affect 16 distinct nonresidential properties. Of these, seven nonresidential <br />properties (composed of nine parcels) would be fully acquired and would result in <br />displacement requiring relocation. An additional two nonresidential properties would be <br />partially acquired (sliver takes) and would require some property reconfiguration but would <br />not result in displacement. Nine properties, including portions of two of the partially acquired <br />properties mentioned previously, would require a temporary construction easement. Based <br />on real estate listings and the professional opinions of two local commercial real estate <br />agents, there appear to be a sufficient supply of adequate sites to relocate all of the <br />displacees within the immediate vicinity of the City of Santa Ana. Given the availability of <br />suitable properties in the immediate vicinity of the project, displacement and relocation of <br />businesses would not result in substantial hardship. Relocation assistance benefits or <br />entitlements would be provided to displacees in accordance with the Uniform Relocation <br />Assistance and Real Property Act of 1970, as amended. <br />Any person (individual, family, corporation, partnership, or association) who moves from real <br />property or moves personal property from real property as a result of the acquisition of the <br />real property, or required to relocate as a result of a written notice from the City of Santa <br />Ana from the real property required for a transportation project is eligible for "Relocation <br />Assistance." All activities will be conducted in accordance with the Uniform Relocation <br />Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. Relocation <br />resources shall be available to all displacees, in compliance with Title VI, free of <br />discrimination. <br />6.8 Historical Properties Survey Report (HPSR) <br />The HSPR determined a finding of No Historic Properties Affected. Concurrence on this <br />determination was received from the State Historic Prservation Officer on February 2, 2012. <br />6.9 Archaeological Survey Report (ASR) <br />No archaeological resources have been previously recorded within the project area of <br />potential effect (APE), and no new cultural resources were observed within the project APE <br />for the proposed project during the field survey. Given the geologic setting and the level of <br />previous disturbance within the project APE, the potential to encounter buried prehistoric <br />resources or historic - period archaeological resources within the project APE is considered to <br />be low. <br />The following avoidance and minimization measure which is standard on all Caltrans' project <br />will be implemented: <br />CR -1 It is the Department's policy to avoid cultural resources whenever possible. Further <br />investigations may be needed if unanticipated cultural sites are encountered that cannot be <br />PROJECT REPORT EQUIVALENT 19E'29 20 <br />