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Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation <br />avoided by the project. If cultural materials are discovered during construction, all earth - <br />moving activity within and around the immediate discovery area will be diverted until a <br />qualified archaeologist can assess the nature and significance of the find. If changes are <br />made to the proposed project, an additional archaeological survey would be required to <br />include areas not previously surveyed. <br />6.10 Historic Resources Evaluation Report (HRER) <br />Thirty -four built environment properties were evaluated in the HRER. The Burlington <br />Northern Santa Fe Railroad was determined ineligible for the National Register and the <br />California Register in 2007, as was 1102 East Fruit Street in 2004. 917 Logan Street was <br />surveyed in 1980 and was determined to be a 5D2. Due to a lack of supporting <br />documentation of that finding and because it was assessed more than 20 years ago, it has <br />been re- evaluated and determined individually ineligible for the National Register and <br />California Register. The Orange County Maintenance Yard was previously determined <br />eligible for the National Register by State Historic Preservation Officier (SHPO) on <br />December 27, 2004. A re- assessment of the determination and supporting documentation <br />for 1102 East Fruit Street concluded that the finding in 2004 was in error and the Orange <br />County Road Department Maintenance Yard is ineligible for the National Register and the <br />California Register. All of the evaluated properties have been found to be ineligible for the <br />National Register and the California Register and are not considered historical resources for <br />the purposes of CEQA. All other properties within the APE meet the criteria for Section 106 <br />PA Attachment 4 (Properties Exempt from Evaluation). No impacts were identified and no <br />avoidance, minimization and /or mitigation measures were needed. <br />6.11 Community Impact Assessment (CIA) <br />The Community Impact Assessment considers how the proposed project would affect the <br />people, neighborhoods, communities, businesses, and larger social and economic systems. <br />The findings of the CIA concludes that the proposed project would not introduce an <br />incompatible use in the area, the pattern and rate of population and housing growth would <br />be consistent with those contemplated in existing regional and local plans for the area, and <br />the proposed project would have beneficial effect on community. Cumulative impacts are <br />not expected to be cumulatively considerable. <br />The following avoidance and minimization measures shall be implemented: <br />TRF -1 Prepare and implement a Traffic Management Plan (TMP). The TMP will be <br />provided to emergency service providers and school officials with construction plans prior to <br />commencement of construction. The following shall be included in the TMP or carried out in <br />coordination with the TMP: <br />• Implement a construction management program that maintains access to and from <br />the project area community through signage, detours, flagmen, etc. <br />• Coordinate with emergency services providers to ensure that alternative response <br />routes to and from the project area community are in place during construction of the <br />proposed project. <br />• Provide access to all fire hydrants along all access routes and provide and maintain <br />fire department vehicle access roads along project site. <br />• Consult with local school officials to indentify safe vehicular routes and pedestrian <br />crossing for student traveling to and from schools in the project area community <br />during construction of the proposed project. <br />• Coordinate with the utility providers for relocation of ut9ility lines and inform the utility <br />users in advance about the date and timings of service disruptions. <br />PROJECT REPORT EQUIVALENT 19E -30 21 <br />