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Preliminary Environment <br />particulate matter (PM10). At the federal level, EPA has also designated this area as being a <br />nonattainment area for 03 (8 -hour standard), PM1o, and PM2.5 <br />Selected Criteria Pollutants: Attainment Status for the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB) <br />Status <br />Pollutants Federal State <br />03 (one -hour standard) <br />03 (eight -hour standard) <br />PMio <br />PMz s <br />CO <br />NO2 <br />S02 <br />Nonattainment, Severe -17 <br />Serious Nonattainment <br />Nonattainment <br />Attainment <br />Unclassified /Attainment <br />Attainment <br />Extreme Nonattainment <br />Nonattainment <br />Nonattainment <br />Attainment <br />Attainment <br />Attainment <br />6. Is the project exempt from the requirement that a conformity determination be made? (If <br />"Yes," state which conformity exemption in 40 CFR 93.126, Table 2 applies). Yes, the proposed <br />project is exempt from the requirement to determine conformity under the Safety heading in 40 CFR <br />93.126 (railroad /highway crossing). However, an Air Quality Report will be prepared to address any <br />potential operational or construction period impacts. <br />Is the project exempt from regional conformity? (If "Yes," state which conformity exemption <br />in 40 CFR 93.127, Table 3 applies). Not applicable based on response to Question 6. <br />8. If project is not exempt from regional conformity? (If "No" on Question #7). Not applicable <br />based on response to Question 6. <br />Hazardous Materials /Hazardous Waste <br />9. Is there potential for hazardous materials (including underground or aboveground tanks, etc.) <br />and /or hazardous waste (including oil /water separators, waste oil, asbestos - containing <br />material, lead -based paint, ADL, etc.) within or immediately adjacent to the construction area? <br />Based on a review of readily available database information, it is not anticipated that any hazardous <br />materials or waste sites would be impacted by the proposed project as no known sites were identified <br />within limits of disturbance for the proposed project and it is not anticipated that the project would <br />impact groundwater. A review of the California Department of Toxic Substances' EnviroStor <br />database revealed that the nearest site that utilizes hazardous waste and substances on site is the <br />Orange County Register (located at 625 N. Grand Avenue). This site is located approximately 800 <br />feet south of the east end of the project site. However, although not identified in the database search, <br />a field review of the project site indicated that several industrial and warehouse type uses are present <br />and these have a high potential for using or storing hazardous materials. In particular, the County <br />Maintenance Yard located at 1102 Fruit Street has gas pumps and above ground tanks on site, and a <br />hazardous materials placard was identified on the Orange County Public Works property located at <br />1143 Fruit Street. The Initial Site Assessment (ISA) that is prepared for the proposed project will <br />further evaluate the potential for hazardous materials /waste concerns related to the proposed project. <br />Water Quality <br />10. Does the project have the potential to impact water resources (rivers, streams, bays, inlets, <br />lakes, drainage sloughs) within or immediately adjacent to the project area? There are no <br />rivers, streams, bays, inlets, lakes, or drainage sloughs located within or immediately adjacent to the <br />proposed project based on an initial field review of the project site. While the project is not located <br />near any rivers, streams, bays, inlets, lakes, or drainage sloughs, the project areas drainage system <br />3 <br />19E -74 <br />