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will ultimately discharge into waters of the United States and the State of California, making the <br />project subject to the requirements of a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) <br />permit. Additionally, other impacts could potentially occur related to groundwater, dewatering during <br />construction, and the potential need for a pump system to remove storm water from the lower <br />elevations of the project area. This will be further evaluated in the Water Quality Memorandum that <br />is prepared for the proposed project. <br />11. Is the project within a designated sole- source aquifer? The designated sole- source aquifers in <br />California are located in the counties of Fresno, Santa Cruz, Butte, and Imperial. The proposed <br />project is located in Orange County and not near any of California's designated sole- source aquifers. <br />Coastal Zone <br />12. Is the project within the State Coastal Zone, San Francisco Bay, or Suisun Marsh? The State <br />Coastal Zone is designated as the coastal area that is generally located within one mile of the Pacific <br />Coast. The project area is considerably further from the coast and not within an area regulated by the <br />State Coastal Zone Management Agency (SCZMA). <br />Floodplain <br />13. Is the construction area located within a regulatory floodway or within the base floodplain <br />(100 -year) elevation of a watercourse or lake? As identified on the Federal Emergency <br />Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) number 06059C0163J, dated <br />December 3, 2009, for Orange County, California and Incorporated Areas the proposed project is not <br />located with a 1- percent annual chance (100 -year) floodplain or a regulatory floodway. The proposed <br />project is located in unshaded Zone X, which is defined as areas determined to be outside the 0.2% <br />annual chance (500 -year) floodplain. <br />Wild and Scenic Rivers <br />14. Is the project within or immediately adjacent to a Wild and Scenic River System? There are no <br />wild and scenic rivers located in or adjacent to the study area according to the Wild and Scenic River <br />System list that is maintained by the National Park Service. <br />Biological Resources <br />15. Is there a potential for federally listed threatened or endangered species, or their critical <br />habitat or essential fish habitat to occur within or adjacent to the construction area? A review <br />of the California Natural Diversity Database and California Nation Plant Society database was <br />performed. In addition a preliminary review of the project site was conducted. The project site <br />includes a few heavily disturbed lots with ruderal vegetation. Based on these reviews, no federally <br />listed or threatened or endangered species occur, or have the potential to occur, on or adjacent to the <br />project site. In addition, no critical habitat for any federally listed threatened or endangered species is <br />present. This will be further documented in the Natural Environment Study (Minimal Impact) (NES <br />[MI]) that is prepared. <br />16. Does the project have the potential to directly or indirectly affect migratory birds, or their <br />nests or eggs (such as vegetation removal, box culvert replacement/repair, bridge work, etc.)? <br />The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) makes it unlawful at any time, by any means or in any manner, <br />to pursue, hunt, take, capture, or kill migratory birds. The law applies to the removal of nests as well <br />as the abandonment of nests occupied by migratory birds during the breeding season. Due to the <br />presence of vegetation and trees within and adjacent to the identified limits of disturbance for the <br />proposed project there is the potential for impacts to migratory and nesting birds during construction <br />activities. This will be further evaluated and addressed in the NES (MI) that is prepared for the <br />proposed project. It is anticipated that tree removal associated with project would occur outside of <br />the bird breeding season. If tree removal would occur during the bird breeding season (February 15 <br />through August 15), a pre- construction nesting bird survey shall be conducted prior to any ground <br />disturbance or vegetation removal. <br />4 <br />19E -75 <br />