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Preliminary Environment <br />identifies Santa Ana as a primarily arterial, which is defined as a four- or six -lane divided arterial, <br />which is consistent with the proposed project design. The proposed project would be consistent with <br />plans and goals adopted by the community. The proposed project is consistent with the goals that <br />are included in the City of Santa Ana General Plan Circulation Element. Specifically it meets the <br />following goals. <br />• Goal 1, "Provide and maintain a comprehensive circulation system that facilitates the efficient <br />movement of people and goods throughout the City, and enhances its economic viability" This is <br />achieved by meeting Policy 1.10, which is to "Provide barrier -free accessibility throughout the <br />circulation system" <br />• Goal 2, "Provide design and construction that facilitates safe utilization of the City's transportation <br />system." This is achieved by meeting Policy 2.7, which is to "Continue design practices which <br />facilitate the safe use of circulation systems. <br />Consistency with plans adopted by the community will be further evaluated further in the Community <br />Impact Assessment that is prepared for the proposed project. <br />26. Does the project have the potential to divide or disrupt neighborhoods /communities? The <br />proposed project would be constructed along an existing roadway and would not divide a <br />neighborhood /community. The proposed project includes a sidewalk along both sides of the <br />overcrossing which will provide an enhanced connection across the railroad tracks, pedestrians <br />currently have to cross the railroad tracks at- grade. The pedestrian crossing at the intersection of <br />Santa Ana Boulevard and Santiago Street, which is the primary pedestrian access across Santa Ana <br />Boulevard, would remain as part of the proposed project. The proposed project would result in the <br />full and partial acquisition of several parcels (businesses), see Items 23 and 24 above, and would <br />also involve construction adjacent to single - family residences, which could cause temporary <br />disruptions within the affected neighborhood. This will be evaluated further in the Community Impact <br />Assessment that is prepared for the proposed project. <br />27. Does the project have the potential to disproportionately affect low- income and minority <br />populations? All projects involving a federal action (funding, permit, or land) must comply with <br />Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations <br />and Low - Income Populations, signed by President Bill Clinton on February 11, 1994. This Executive <br />Order directs federal agencies to take the appropriate and necessary steps to identify and address <br />disproportionately high and adverse effects of federal projects on the health or environment of <br />minority and low- income populations to the greatest extent practicable and permitted by law. The <br />proposed project is located within Census Tract 744.05, Block Groups 1, 2, and 3 (located along the <br />north side of Santa Ana Boulevard) and Census Tract 744.06, Block Groups 1 and 3 (located along <br />the south side of Santa Ana Boulevard). As shown in the following table, the project area (defined as <br />Census Tract 744.05, Block Groups 1, 2, and 3, and Census Tract 744.06 Block Groups 1 and 3) has <br />a lower percentage of individuals identified as White than Orange County (County) and the City of <br />Santa Ana (City), however, the difference between the project area and the City is much less than <br />between the project area and Orange County. The percentage of individuals identified as <br />Latino /Hispanic is greater for the project area than for Orange County and the City with the difference <br />between the project area and the County being much greater than between the project area and the <br />City. For all other groups (African- American, American Indian /Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander /Native <br />Hawaiian, and Other races /Ethnicities) the percentage within the project area is less than the <br />percentages identified for the County and the City. <br />7 <br />19E -78 <br />