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City of Santa Ana <br />State Water Board Grant Agreement No. 14- 449 -550 <br />Page 11 of 20 <br />classifications, and rates submitted by the Grantee in its application. Any changes to the hours, <br />classifications, and rates must be approved, in advance and in writing, by the Grant Manager, <br />2. Procedure to Request an Adjustment. Grantee may submit a request for an adjustment in writing to the <br />State Water Board. Such adjustment may not increase or decrease the total grant amount allocated per <br />fiscal year. The Grantee shall submit a copy of the original Agreement Budget sheet reflecting the <br />requested changes. Changes shall be noted by striking the original amount(s) followed with revised <br />change(s) In bold and underlined. Budget adjustments deleting a budget line item or adding a new <br />budget line item requires a formal amendment and are not permissible under this provision. The State <br />Water Board may also propose adjustments to the budget. <br />3. Remaining Balance. In the event the Grantee does not submit invoices requesting all of the funds <br />encumbered under this Grant Agreement, any remaining funds revert to the State. The State Water Board <br />will mail a Notice of Project Completion letter to the Grantee stating that the project file is closed, the final <br />invoice is being processed for payment, and any remaining balance will be disencumbered and <br />unavailable for further use under the Grant Agreement. <br />F. MATCH FUNDS <br />1. The Grantee agrees to provide match funds in the amount of SEVENTY -SIX THOUSAND, EIGHT <br />HUNDRED THIRTY -ONE DOLLARS ($76,831) (Match Funds) for this Project. This Match Funds amount <br />Is based on Line Item Budget categories, funding sources, and amounts submitted by the Grantee in its <br />application and during the negotiation of this Agreement. Any Match Funds line item changes or <br />adjustments in Match Funds classifications or sources requested by Grantee must be approved, in <br />advance and in writing, by the Grant Manager, <br />2. If, upon completion of the Project, the Grantee has provided match funds in an amount that is less than <br />the Match Funds amount set forth in paragraph F.1 above, then the State Water Board may <br />proportionately reduce the grant amount and /or Grantee's Match Funds amount, provided the reduced <br />amount(s) satisfy statutory requirements and State Water Board Guidelines. <br />G. REPORTS <br />1, PROGRESS REPORT. Grantee shall submit quarterly progress reports to the State Water Board's Grant <br />Manager within forty -five (45) days following the end of the calendar quarter (March, June, September, <br />and December). <br />a. The progress reports shall provide a brief description of the work performed, accomplishments during <br />the quarter, milestones achieved, monitoring results (if applicable), and any problems encountered in <br />the performance of the work under this Agreement. The Grantee shall document all contractor <br />activities and expenditures in progress reports. <br />b. The invoice should accompany the progress report. The invoice should reflect charges for the work <br />completed during the reporting period covered by progress report. The invoice cannot be paid prior <br />to submission of a progress report covering the invoice reporting period. <br />2. ANNUAL PROGRESS SUMMARIES. Prepare and provide an Annual Progress Summary annually by <br />September 30. The summary must be no more than two (2) pages, and shall include pictures as <br />appropriate. Upload an electronic copy of the Annual Progress Summary in pdf format to the FAAST <br />system. The summary shall include the following: <br />a. A summary of the conditions the Project is meant to alleviate, the Project's objective, the scope of the <br />Project, and a description of the approach used to achieve the Project's objective. <br />b. A summary of the progress made to date, significant milestones achieved, and the current schedule <br />of completing the Project. <br />c. An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Project to date in preventing or reducing pollution and <br />alleviating the Project's original conditions. <br />EXHIBIT 1 Page 11 of 20 <br />20C -13 <br />