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City of Santa Ana <br />State Water Board Grant Agreement No. 14- 449 -550 <br />Page 12 of 20 <br />3. NATURAL RESOURCE PROJECTS INVENTORY (NRPI) SURVEY FORM. If available at the completion of <br />this Project, the Grantee shall complete and submit electronically a NRPI Project Survey Form found at <br />http://www.loe,uodavis.edutnrr)i <br />4 DRAFT FINAL PROJECT REPORT. Prepare and submit to the Grant Manager, for review and comment, <br />a Draft Final Project Report in a format provided by the Grant Manager. <br />5. FINAL PROJECT REPORT, Prepare a Final Project Report that addresses, to the extent feasible, <br />comments made by the Grant Manager on the Draft Final Project Report. Submit one (1) reproducible <br />master and an electronic copy of the final. Upload an electronic copy of the final report in pdf format to <br />the FAAST system. <br />6. FINAL PROJECT SUMMARY. Prepare a brief summary of the Information contained in the Final Project <br />Report, including before and after pictures, as appropriate. Upload an electronic copy of the Final Project <br />Summary in pdf format to the FAAST system. <br />7. FINAL PROJECT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION. Upon completion of the Project, the Grantee <br />shall provide for a final inspection and shall certify that the Project has been completed in accordance <br />with this Agreement, any final plans and specifications submitted to the State Water Board, and any <br />amendments or modifications thereto. If the Project involved the planning, investigation, evaluation, <br />design, or other work requiring interpretation and proper application of engineering, or other <br />professionals, the final Inspection and certification shall be conducted by a California Registered Civil <br />Engineer or other appropriate California registered professional. The results of the final inspection and <br />certification shall be provided to the Grant Manager. <br />8. The Grantee agrees to expeditiously provide, during work on the Project and throughout the term of this <br />Agreement, such reports, data, information, and certifications that may be reasonably required by the State <br />Water Board. <br />H. PAYMENT OF PROJECT COSTS <br />The Grantee agrees that it will provide for payment of its full share of Project costs and that all costs <br />connected with the Project will be paid by the Grantee on a timely basis. <br />I. AUDIT DISALLOWANCES <br />The Grantee agrees it shall return any audit disallowances to the State Water Board. <br />J. FRAUD AND MISUSE OF PUBLIC FUNDS <br />All invoices submitted shall be accurate and signed under penalty of perjury. Any and all costs submitted <br />pursuant to this Agreement shall only be for the tasks set forth herein. The Grantee shall not submit any <br />invoice containing costs that are ineligible or have been reimbursed from other funding sources unless <br />required and specifically noted as such (i.e., match costs). Any eligible costs for which the Grantee Is seeking <br />reimbursement shall not be reimbursed from any other source. Double or multiple billing for time, services, or <br />any other eligible cost is Illegal and constitutes fraud. Any suspected occurrences of fraud, forgery, <br />embezzlement, theft, or any other misuse of public funds may result in suspension of disbursements of grant <br />funds and /or termination of this Agreement requiring the repayment of all funds disbursed hereunder. <br />Additionally, the Deputy Director of the Division of Financial Assistance may request an audit pursuant to <br />Exhibit C, paragraph 4 and refer the matter to the Attorney General's Office or the appropriate district <br />attorney's office for criminal prosecution or the imposition of civil liability. <br />(Civ. Code, §§ 1572 -1573; Pen. Code, §§ 470, 480 -490.) <br />EXHIBIT 1 Page 12 of 20 <br />20C -14 <br />