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a i °_ i P2,11 i City of Santa Ana, CA <br />Black & Veatch recommends that the Water Enterprise initiate a program that will help establish <br />recommended reserve balances for both its operational and capital needs over the planning period, as <br />well as a $1 million emergency fund. Given the current level of R &R activity, establishing an emergency <br />fund to address unexpected main breaks would be prudent. <br />For the analyses conducted herein, forecasted operations and maintenance (0 &M) expenses are based <br />on an inflation rate of 2 percent for personnel, 4 percent for benefits, 3 percent for maintenance, 2 <br />percent for general and administrative (G &A), and 5 percent for utilities. <br />• Status Quo Scenario. Under the Status Quo Scenario, implementing no revenue increases over <br />the planning period results in the Water Enterprise running an annual deficit starting in FY <br />15/16. By the end of the planning period, the annual deficit position grows to ($9.8 million) and <br />the ending fund balance is ($9.1 million). <br />• Scenario 1. The implementation of annual revenue increases allows the Water Enterprise to <br />maintain a positive balance in the Operating Fund while still executing the proposed CIP. <br />The City last raised rates for the Water Enterprise in 2011. Since that time, the cost of purchased water <br />has increased almost 25 percent. The Water Enterprise has been able to absorb these increases by <br />deferring CIP activities; however, this is no longer a viable or sustainable option. <br />Table ES 3 summarizes the proposed revenue adjustments for the proposed scenario examined. All <br />increases are effective July 1 of the fiscal year, except for FY 14/15, which has a March 1, 2015 effective <br />date. <br />Table ES -4: Proposed Revenue Adjustments <br />FY 14/15 March 1 2.8% <br />FY 15/16 July 1 2.8% <br />FY 16/17 July 1 2.8% <br />FY 17/18 July 1 2.8% <br />FY 18/19 July 1 2.8% <br />The above revenue adjustments assume that purchased water costs will remain at current levels. Black <br />& Veatch recommends that the City handle pricing increases from Metropolitan Water District of <br />Southern California (MWD) and the Orange County Water District (OCWD) and /or changes in the basin <br />pumping percentage via a pass- through charge. <br />Water Utility Cost of Service Allocations <br />8 <br />• The revenue requirements for a selected Test Year (TY) are allocated to customer classes <br />utilizing a cost causative approach endorsed by the American Water Works Association <br />(AW WA). <br />• Customers are classified to reflect groups of customers with similar service requirements who <br />can be served at similar cost. Each class represents a particular type of service requirement. <br />65B -20 <br />NOVEMBER 2014 <br />