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City of Santa Ana, CAI WATER RATE STUDY <br />In this analysis, there are six primary cost components: (1) base flow, or volume costs, (2) <br />maximum day cost, (3) peak hour costs, (4) customer billing costs, (5) fire protection, and (6) <br />reclaimed water. <br />Proposed Water Rates <br />At the request of the City, Black & Veatch has examined alternative rate schedules based on the <br />proposed CIP. In addition, the City asked Black & Veatch to examine the level of cost recovery through <br />the basic service charge. <br />Under the current rate schedule, the City recovers approximately 8 percent of its revenues through the <br />basic service charge. According to Best Management Practice (BMP) 11 as set forth by the California <br />Urban Water Conservation Council (CUWCC), utilities should strive to have no more than 30 percent of <br />its user charge revenues from the meter charge. <br />Using this guideline, the City requested Black & Veatch to propose a set of rate schedules that would <br />gradually increase the fixed component recovery over a 5 -year period. Black & Veatch conducted its <br />cost -of- service (COS) analysis and determined that the level of costs recovered through the basic service <br />charge is closer to 17 percent. To minimize ratepayer impacts, the proposed rate schedules illustrated a <br />phased approach to reaching the COS levels by FY 18/19. To maintain a rate structure that encourages <br />conservation, Black & Veatch examined the incremental costs associated with Tier 2 levels of service. <br />We are recommending that the City move from a 15 percent rate differential to a 20 percent differential <br />between Tier 1 and Tier 2 rates. <br />The rate schedule shown in Tables ES 4 and ES 5 is for Scenario 1 and reflects the rates for the entire <br />study period. Cost recovery for each year using the proposed rate structure achieves essentially 100 <br />percent for each customer class. <br />BLACK & VEATCH I Executive Summary <br />[INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] <br />65B -21 <br />7 <br />