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WATER RATE STUDY I City of Santa Ana, CA <br />Introduction <br />This report was prepared for the City of Santa Ana (City) to document a multi -year financial plan, the <br />cost of service analysis and the design of a rate structure for the City's Water Enterprise. This is the first <br />comprehensive evaluation of the City's capital and financial needs since 1995. The specific goals of the <br />study were to: <br />• Review and evaluate existing policies and procedures affecting utility rates; <br />• Evaluate the adequacy of projected revenues under existing rates to meet projected revenue <br />requirements; <br />• Develop a Rehabilitation and Replacement (R &R) Program that will identify major capital <br />expenditures for the Water system; <br />• Create a sound financial plan for the Water Enterprise covering a five -year study period for both <br />ongoing operations and planned capital improvements; <br />• Allocate projected Fiscal Year (FY) revenue requirements to the various customer class in <br />accordance with the respective service requirements; and <br />• Develop a suitable rate schedule that produces revenues adequate to meet financial needs <br />while recognizing customer costs of service and local and state policy considerations such as <br />Proposition 218 and Senate Bill x7 -7 (SBx7 -7). <br />BACKGROUND <br />The City of Santa Ana is one of the oldest Cities in Orange County incorporated in 1886. It encompasses <br />27.5 square miles and is located approximately 35 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. The City is <br />the governmental center of Orange County with a population of roughly 324,500 (2010 US Census). The <br />City owns and operates through the Department of Public Works two self- supporting enterprises: Water <br />and Sewer. <br />The Water Enterprise serves residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and irrigation customers by <br />providing potable and reclaimed water. To serve its customers, the Water Enterprise obtains water from <br />two primary sources: local groundwater from the Orange County Water District (OCWD) and import <br />water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). Groundwater production <br />accounts for roughly 65 to 70 percent of the water supply and MWD imported water supplies provide <br />the remaining 30 to 35 percent. The City maintains about 500 miles of transmission and distribution <br />mains, eight reservoirs with a storage capacity of 49.3 million gallons, seven pumping stations, nineteen <br />wells, and seven import connections. The City also receives recycled water after advanced treatment <br />from the Orange County Water District facility, Green Acres Project. <br />PURPOSE <br />The purpose of this report is to present the findings obtained from Black & Veatch Corporation's (Black <br />& Veatch's) study of Water's rate structure and alternatives, financing, and capital needs. The capital <br />needs were based on the R &R Program evaluation as well as additional reviews of planned system <br />improvements. The study develops a financial plan that projects operating revenue, expenses and <br />capital financing costs for the City's Enterprise Funds over a five -year planning period ending June 30, <br />2019. As part of the plan, future revenues under existing rates, operation and maintenance expense, <br />14 <br />65B -26 <br />T10047d74;iDFC! <br />