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38 <br />WATER RATE STUDY I City of Santa Ana, CA <br />Based on the analyses of revenues and revenue requirements, it is evident that regardless of the level of <br />CIP activity, the Water Enterprise needs a rate revenue increase in order to meet revenue requirements <br />and working capital reserve as a stand -alone enterprise. The suggested adjustments are summarized <br />below for Scenario 1 in Table 13 and are shown on Lines 2 through 6 of Table 12. <br />Table -13: Proposed Rate Adjustments <br />FY 14/15 <br />March 1 2.8% <br />FY 15/16 <br />July 1 2.8% <br />FY 16/17 <br />July 1 2.8% <br />FY 17/18 <br />July 1 2.8% <br />FY 18/19 July 1 2.8% <br />With these adjustments, the Water Enterprise should be able to accomplish its objectives under the <br />assumption that no significant change occurs. Without the proposed revenue adjustments, the Water <br />Enterprise may have trouble meeting debt covenant requirements and will run into cash flow <br />difficulties. While the financial plan should be a working document, the City will need to re- examine the <br />rate structure prior to FY 18/19 to verify it is still adequate. <br />The revenue requirements of Water consist of system 0 &M expenses, routine capital outlay for minor <br />expenditures on equipment not financed from bond proceeds, debt service requirements on existing <br />and proposed bonded debt, transfers to other funds, and reserve requirements to ensure that debt <br />service coverage, rate covenant requirements, and adequate levels of working capital are met. <br />As shown on Line 22 in Tables 10 through 11, total revenue requirements for the Water Enterprise <br />fluctuate during the study period and can be correlated with inflationary factors, different R &R funding <br />levels, and additional debt service requirements. Under the Status Quo, the total revenue requirements <br />range from $64,994,700 in FY 14/15 to $61,087,700 in FY 18/19. For Scenario 1, total revenue <br />requirements range from a low of $60,421,900 in FY 15/16 to a high of $65,008,700 in FY 14/15. <br />Subtracting total revenue requirements from total revenues results in the projected annual operating <br />fund surpluses or deficits shown on Line 23. <br />As of July 1, 2013, it was estimated that a beginning balance of $16.6 million was available for use in this <br />fund. The ending balance is shown on Line 25, while the minimum ending balance of 25 percent of <br />operation and maintenance expense plus an emergency reserve is shown on Line 26. Applying a <br />cumulative revenue adjustment of 14.8 percent (Scenario 1) over the 5 -year period should allow the <br />Water Enterprise to maintain the desired target level of ending year -end balances, meet minimum <br />working capital and satisfy minimum debt service requirements. The financial objectives and targets are <br />not met under the Status Quo. <br />65B -50 <br />NOVEMBER 2014 <br />