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40 <br />WATER RATE STUDY I City of Santa Ana, CA <br />COST OF SERVICE ALLOCATIONS <br />The revenue requirements to be derived from rates and charges for water service are summarized in <br />Lines 1 through 13 of Table 13. 14 analyzing the Water Enterprise's cost of service for allocation to <br />customer classes, the annual revenue requirements for FY 18/19 and Scenario 1 were selected as the <br />Test Year requirements to demonstrate the development of cost of service water rates. In determining <br />the cost of service to be met from charges for water service, we deduct income received from other <br />sources that not subject to rate adjustments from the total revenue requirements. As a result, the total <br />cost of service to be recovered from rates is shown on Line 13, Column 3. <br />Table -14: Total Costs to be Recovered from Rates — Scenario 1 <br />Functional Cost Components <br />In developing an equitable rate structure, revenue requirements are allocated to the various customer <br />classifications according to the cost of service rendered. Allocations of these requirements to customer <br />classes of water should take into account water flow, the number of customers, and other relevant <br />factors. <br />Customers are classified to reflect groups of customers with similar service requirements who can be <br />served at similar cost. Each class represents a particular type of service requirement. For the purposes of <br />65B -52 <br />NOVEMBER 2014 <br />Column Reference <br />[1] <br />[2] <br />[3] <br />Revenue Requirements <br />1 <br />O &M Expenses (Table 11, Line 13) <br />25,588,500 <br />0 <br />25,588,500 <br />2 <br />Water Purchase (Table 11, Line 14) <br />21,770,700 <br />0 <br />21,770,700 <br />3 <br />Debt Service <br />0 <br />3,586,400 <br />3,586,400 <br />4 <br />Transfers (Table 11, Lines 189 20) <br />0 <br />9,064,700 <br />9,064,700 <br />5 <br />Routine Capital (Table 11, Line 15) <br />0 <br />1,156,900 <br />1,156,900 <br />6 <br />Subtotal <br />$47,359,200 <br />$13,808,000 <br />$61,167,200 <br />Less Revenue Requirements met from Other Sources <br />7 <br />Other Operating Revenue (Table 11, Line 9) <br />1,528,400 <br />0 <br />1,528,400 <br />8 <br />Interest Income (Table 11, Line 10) <br />139,600 <br />0 <br />139,600 <br />9 <br />Subtotal <br />$1,668,000 <br />$0 <br />$1,668,000 <br />Adjustments <br />10 <br />Annual Cash Fund Balance (Table 11, Line 23) <br />2,343;100 <br />0 <br />2,343,100 <br />11 <br />Annual Rate Increase (Table 11, Line 7) <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />12 <br />Subtotal <br />$2,343,100 <br />$0 <br />$2,343,100 <br />13 <br />Cost of Service to be Recovered from Rates <br />$43,348,100 <br />$13,808,000 <br />$57,156,100 <br />Functional Cost Components <br />In developing an equitable rate structure, revenue requirements are allocated to the various customer <br />classifications according to the cost of service rendered. Allocations of these requirements to customer <br />classes of water should take into account water flow, the number of customers, and other relevant <br />factors. <br />Customers are classified to reflect groups of customers with similar service requirements who can be <br />served at similar cost. Each class represents a particular type of service requirement. For the purposes of <br />65B -52 <br />NOVEMBER 2014 <br />