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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />and distributed in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15088(b), which requires that <br />written responses be provided at least 10 days prior to certifying an EIR. <br />4. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES THAT WERE DETERMINED TO BE <br />LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT <br />The following environmental resource areas would not be significantly impacted by the <br />proposed project: <br />A. Aesthetics (pages 3 -66 and 3 -190 of the EA/DEIR) <br />• The proposed project would result in the installation of overhead contact wire poles with <br />catenary wires, new light poles, and additional traffic signals along the entire length of the <br />proposed project alignment. These project components would introduce new vertical <br />elements to the PE ROW and Santa Ana Boulevard. Workers and patrons of commercial <br />establishments, motorists, and pedestrians would have limited views of the proposed <br />improvements as they move through the area or visit commercial facilities. The visual <br />quality associated with the Old Pacific Electric Santa Ana River Bridge, Santa Ana River <br />Trail, Sasscer Park, the French Park and Downtown Santa Ana Historic Districts, and <br />SARTC would not be substantially affected by the proposed project. Therefore, a less -than- <br />significant impact related to scenic vistas, scenic resources, and visual quality would occur. <br />• The proposed vertical elements and TPSS would not impact the low to moderate visual <br />quality of the Study Area. Therefore, a less- than - significant impact related to visual <br />character would occur. <br />• While the lighting design, including intensity and height, has not been determined to date, in <br />general, the lighting will be designed to direct lighting to the immediate area to minimize <br />spillover, and will be consistent with the existing lighting in the area. However, it is possible <br />that lighting associated with the O & M Facility and the stations /platforms located adjacent to <br />residential neighborhoods could create a new source of lighting that might impact nighttime <br />views in those areas. Project design features, including, but not limited to, architectural <br />integration of all lighting fixtures with the character of the surrounding environment, use of <br />shielded or recessed lighting, and use of low- profile walkway lights, would eliminate <br />potential light and glare impacts. Therefore, a less- than - significant impact related to lighting <br />would occur. <br />B. Agricultural and Forest Resources (page 3 -14 of the EAIDEIR) <br />• There are no agricultural, timberland, or forestry resources within the Study Area. The <br />proposed project would not convert farmland to non - agricultural use; conflict with zoning for <br />agricultural use, forest land, or timberland; conflict with Williamson Act contracts; or result in <br />the loss or conversion of forest land to non - forest use. Therefore, no impacts related to <br />agricultural resources, farmland, and forestry resources would occur. <br />C. Air Quality (page 3 -156 of the EA/DEIR) <br />• The proposed project is consistent with the City of Santa Ana long -term vision for <br />transportation development and traffic congestion alleviation. Regionally, the proposed <br />M <br />75A -18 <br />January 2015 <br />