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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />project would develop a mass transit infrastructure, which is a Transportation Control <br />Measure in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Air Quality <br />Management Plan that seeks to reduce air pollutant emissions via a reduction in vehicle <br />trips and congestion. In addition, the proposed project is included in Southern California <br />Association of Governments (SCAG) 2012 -2035 Regional Transportation Plan /Sustainable <br />Communities Strategy (RTP /SCS), adopted on April 4, 2012. Therefore, a less -than- <br />significant impact related to conflicting or obstructing the air quality management plan would <br />occur. <br />• Operational activity would increase regional emissions by less than one pound per day <br />when compared with the emissions under the No Build Alternative. The net increase in <br />emissions would not exceed the SCAQMD significance thresholds. Therefore, a less -than- <br />significant impact related to violation of an air quality standard or contribution to an existing <br />or projected air quality violation would occur. <br />• The proposed electrically - powered streetcars would not generate localized exhaust <br />emissions. However, changes to intersection operations as a result of project <br />implementation could potentially increase vehicle idling and result in carbon monoxide (CO) <br />hotspots. In addition, the proposed park- and -ride facility located on the northeast corner of <br />the Harbor Boulevard/Westminster Avenue intersection would potentially increase localized <br />pollutant concentrations. The CO hotspot analysis conducted for the project indicated that <br />the proposed project would contribute less than 0.1 part per million (ppm) to the one- and <br />eight -hour CO concentrations and would be less than the State one- and eight -hour CO <br />standards of 20 and 9 ppm. The proposed electrically - powered streetcars would not <br />generate diesel particulate matter. The O & M Facility would service streetcar vehicles and <br />would require the use of solvents and related chemicals for cleaning and repair activities. <br />However, the O & M Facility would not generate diesel emissions or be a substantial source <br />of chemicals identified in the California Air Resources Board guidance for locating pollutant <br />generators near sensitive populations. Therefore, a less- than - significant impact related to <br />exposing sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations would occur. <br />• The O & M Facility would require the use of solvents and related chemicals for cleaning and <br />repair activities. However, these sources would not be used in sufficient quantities that <br />would emit substantial odors for public complaints. Therefore, a less- than - significant impact <br />related to odors would occur. <br />D. Biological Resources (page 3 -217 of the EA/DEIR) <br />• The Study Area is heavily developed and contains no natural biological communities. The <br />ground disturbance footprint consists entirely of disturbed or developed land, which includes <br />roadways, developed and undeveloped lots, parking areas, and residential and commercial <br />developments. Literature review and field survey data determined that no special status <br />plant or wildlife species have the potential to occur within the project's footprint and that the <br />Study Area lacks suitable habitat that would typically support special status species or <br />receive State or federal Endangered Species Act protections. Therefore, a less -than- <br />significant impact related to candidate, sensitive, or special species would occur. <br />9 January 2015 <br />75A -19 <br />