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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />Mitigation Measure <br />CR1 Treatment of Undiscovered Resources — The contractor shall notify construction <br />personnel of the potential for encountering significant archaeological and paleontological <br />resources along the alignment, and instructed in the identification of fossils and other <br />potential resources. All construction personnel shall be informed of the need to stop <br />work on the project site until a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist has been <br />provided the opportunity to assess the significance of the find and implement appropriate <br />measures to protect or scientifically remove the find. If human remains are encountered <br />during construction, all work shall cease in the area of potential affect and the Orange <br />County Coroner's Office shall be contacted pursuant to procedures set forth in Public <br />Resources Code Section 5097 et seq. and Health and Safety Code in Sections 7050.5, <br />7051, and 7054 with respect to treatment and removal, Native American involvement, <br />burial treatment, and re- burial, if necessary. A fifty -foot buffer, or more if deemed <br />appropriate by the principal investigator, shall be established and work outside the buffer <br />may resume. <br />B. Hazards and Hazardous Materials (Hazardous Sites) (page 3 -114 of the <br />EA/DEIR) <br />Potential Impact: Three properties identified as potentially hazardous sites would be acquired <br />as part of O & M Facility. The acquisition of these properties would require Phase I <br />Environmental Site Assessments to ascertain if employees working at the O & M Facility would <br />be exposed to toxic levels of hazardous materials. Therefore, without mitigation, significant <br />impacts related to hazardous sites would occur. <br />Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the proposed project <br />which would mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment as identified in the <br />REA/FE I R. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: The proposed project would require limited acquisition of <br />property, which could have the potential to contain hazardous materials. The majority of <br />potentially hazardous properties identified within a 0.25 -mile radius of the project alignment <br />would not be acquired or disturbed and do not require further investigation. However, three <br />properties identified as potentially hazardous sites would be acquired as part of the O & M <br />Facility, including All Car Auto Parts located at 2002 West 5th Street, SA Recycling located at <br />2006 West 5th Street, and American Auto Wrecking located at 1908 West 5th Street. <br />Implementation of Mitigation Measure HAZ1 would reduce impacts related to hazardous sites to <br />less than significant. <br />Mitigation Measure <br />HAZ1 A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment shall be prepared for the following sites <br />• All Car Auto Parts located at 2002 West 5th Street <br />• SA Recycling located at 2006 West 5th Street <br />• American Auto Wrecking located at 1908 West 5th Street <br />19 January 2015 <br />75A -29 <br />