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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />The assessment shall be prepared by a Registered Environmental Assessor. The <br />assessment shall be prepared in accordance with State standards /guidelines to evaluate <br />whether the site or the surrounding area is contaminated with hazardous substances <br />from the potential past and current uses including storage, transport, generation, and <br />disposal of toxic and hazardous waste or materials. If hazardous materials are identified <br />in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, a Phase II Environmental Site <br />Assessment would be completed to identify the extent of contamination and the <br />procedures for remediation. The Phase II Environmental Site Assessment shall be <br />approved by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. <br />C. Noise (Project Operation) (page 3 -152 of the EA/DEIR) <br />Potential Impact: Project - related noise levels would exceed the significance thresholds at five <br />Noise Sensitive Areas (NSA). Therefore, without mitigation, a significant impact related to <br />operational noise levels would occur. <br />Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the proposed <br />project which would mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment as identified in <br />the REA/FEIR. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: Significant noise impacts at sensitive receptors NSA -4 <br />(Spurgeon Intermediate School), NSA -6 (seven housing units), NSA -7 (five housing units), and <br />NSA -8 (two housing units) would result from sounding of a warning horn and audible warning <br />devices at gate crossings. Significant noise impact at NSA -9 (five housing units) would result <br />from operation of the O & M Facility. Mitigation Measure N1 would reduce noise impacts <br />associated with warning horns, Mitigation Measure N2 would reduce noise impacts associated <br />with streetcar pass -by noise, and Mitigation Measure N3 would reduce noise impacts at NSA -9 <br />by 5 dBA and NSA -10 by 4 dBA. Implementation of Mitigation Measures N1 through N3 would <br />reduce impacts related to operational noise to less than significant. <br />Mitiaation Measure <br />N1 The City of Santa Ana shall request a horn - sounding exemption from the California <br />Public Utilities Commission for the crossing at 5th and Fairview Streets. The exemption <br />shall provide justification and demonstrate that safety would not be compromised. In lieu <br />of the warning horn, supplemental safety measures (e.g., four -quad gates, roadway <br />median barriers on grade crossing approaches, and pedestrian gates) would be <br />implemented. If a horn sounding exemption is approved and established, warning horns <br />would not be sounded except under an emergency situation. <br />20 January 2015 <br />75A -30 <br />