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Attachment A <br />Chapter 4.0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />PRC Section 21081.6 and Section 15097 of the CEQA Guidelines require adoption of a <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for all projects for which an EIR has been <br />prepared. This requirement was originally mandated by Assembly Bill (AB) 3180, which was <br />enacted on January 1, 1989, to ensure the implementation of all mitigation measures adopted <br />through the CEQA process. Specifically, PRC Section 21081.6 states that "...the agency shall <br />adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of <br />project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the <br />environment... [and that the program] ... shall be designed to ensure compliance during project <br />implementation." <br />AB 3180 provided general guidelines for implementing monitoring and reporting programs, which <br />are enumerated in more detail in Section 15097 of the CEQA Guidelines. However, specific <br />reporting and /or monitoring requirements to be enforced during project implementation shall be <br />defined prior to final approval of the proposed project by the decision - maker. In response to <br />established CEQA requirements, the proposed MMRP shall be submitted to the City of Santa <br />Ana (lead agency) for consideration prior to completion of the environmental review process to <br />enable the decision - makers appropriate response to the proposed project. Although the lead <br />agency may delegate reporting or monitoring responsibilities to other agencies or entities, it <br />'...remains responsible for ensuring that implementation of the mitigation measures occurs in <br />accordance with the program." <br />The MMRP describes the procedures for the implementation of the mitigation measures to be <br />adopted for the proposed project as identified in the EA/DEIR and REA /FEIR. The MMRP will be <br />in place through all phases of the proposed project, including design (pre- construction), <br />construction, and operation (post- construction both prior to and post- occupancy). The City of <br />Santa Ana shall be responsible for administering the MMRP activities or delegating them to staff, <br />other City departments (e.g., Department of Building and Safety and Department of Public <br />Works), consultants, or contractors. The City of Santa Ana will also ensure that monitoring is <br />documented through reports (as required) and that deficiencies are promptly corrected. The <br />designated environmental monitor (e.g., City building inspector, project contractor, or certified <br />professionals depending on the provision specified below) will track and document compliance <br />with mitigation measures, note any problems that may result, and take appropriate action to <br />remedy problems. <br />Each mitigation measure is categorized by environmental topic and corresponding number, with <br />identification of: <br />• The enforcement agency <br />• The monitoring agency <br />• The monitoring phase (i.e., the phase during which the measure should be monitored); <br />• The monitoring frequency <br />• The action indicating compliance with the mitigation measure <br />Santa Ana-Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project REAjFEIR P a g ol234 <br />January 2015 EXHIBIT 3 <br />75A -51 <br />