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All agencies and departments are in the City of Santa Ana, unless otherwise noted. <br />Land Use and Zoning <br />No mitigation measures related to land use and zoning are required. <br />Land Acquisition and Displacement <br />No mitigation measures related to land acquisition and displacement are required. <br />Visual Quality <br />No mitigation measures related to visual quality are required. <br />Cultural Resources <br />CR1 A qualified principal investigator who meets the Secretary of the Interior's professional <br />qualification standards for an archeologist shall be responsible for managing Native <br />American archaeological resources and human remains. The qualified principal <br />investigator shall appoint an archaeological monitor to be present for ground- disturbing <br />activities that could encounter undisturbed soils. If the qualified principal investigator <br />determines that Native American archaeological resources and human remains are likely <br />present, then both an archeological monitor and a Native American monitor identified by <br />the principal investigator shall be present. The Native American monitor shall be a Native <br />American identified by the applicable tribe and /or the Native American Heritage <br />Commission. The timing and duration of the monitoring shall be determined by the <br />principal investigator based on the sensitivity of exposed sediments. <br />Prior to initiation of earth - disturbing activities that could encounter undisturbed soils; the <br />archaeological monitor shall conduct a brief awareness training session for all <br />construction workers and supervisory personnel. The training shall explain the importance <br />of and legal basis for the protection of significant archaeological resources. Each worker <br />shall learn the proper procedures to follow in the event that cultural resources or human <br />remains /burials are uncovered. These procedures include work curtailment or redirection <br />and the immediate contact of the site supervisor and the archaeological monitor. It is <br />recommended that this worker education session include visual images of artifacts that <br />might be found in the project vicinity, and that the session take place on -site immediately <br />prior to the start of ground- disturbing activities. <br />If archaeological resources or human remains are encountered during construction, all <br />work shall cease in the area of potential affect until the find can be addressed. The <br />Orange County Coroner's Office shall be contacted pursuant to procedures set forth in <br />Public Resources Code Section 5097 et seq. and Health and Safety Code in Sections <br />7050.5, 7051, and 7054 with respect to treatment and removal, Native American <br />involvement, burial treatment, and re- burial, if necessary. A fifty -foot buffer, or more if <br />deemed appropriate by the principal investigator, shall be established and work outside <br />the buffer may resume. <br />Santa Ana Garden Grave Fixed Guideway Project REAIFEIR P a g ol 285 <br />January 2015 <br />75A -52 <br />