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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Well No. 32 Nitrate Mitigation and Rehabilitation Study <br />2. WELL INFORMATION <br />2.1 Well Description <br />Well No. 32 is located near the entrance to Morrison Park, approximately 45 feet east of Westwood and <br />200 feet south of Corrigan Street, as depicted in Figure 1. The well was drilled in 1984 to a depth of <br />approximately 1,060 feet below ground surface (bgs). The total length of screened interval is 290 feet. <br />The static water level is at 116 feet and the pumped level is at 228 feet below ground. The reported well <br />yield is approximately 2,127 gpm as measured in 2001. <br />The well is equipped with a vertical turbine pump rated for a capacity of 2,700 gpm with a 300 hp motor. <br />The manufacturer and model number of the pump is Vertiline, V85- 70529. Well No. 32 operated for a <br />period of time and has been out of service since 2004. <br />Well No. 32 Location Map <br />2.2 Water Quality Data <br />Based on a review of the City's historical water quality data (from 2002 through 2004) for Well No. 32, <br />the nitrate levels varied from about 15 mg/L to 37 mg /L, with an average of 23 mg /L. On November 1, <br />2012, the City performed a 12 hour water quality sampling test to measure the nitrate levels in the well <br />water as a function of pumping time. Samples were collected for the following time periods: 5, 10, 15, 30 <br />minutes, and then 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 hour points. While it was expected for the nitrate levels to decrease <br />over time, the test results indicated that the nitrate level remained relatively consistent at about 43 mg/L <br />for the duration of the test. <br />P:N00597\006 T,in¢¢ting\t15\ Welld2- Nllm[e- M1Ngn[lon\Dre9 Repotl \021axtdoq� I _ � TETRA TECH <br />