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UCLA Archaeological Survey which included a map and record search of the <br />APEI and vicinity. <br />The following paleontological information was compiled by Mr. Rodney <br />E. Raschke, an Orange County Certified Paleontologist, and is based on <br />a review of the published and unpublished locality records of the <br />Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the Natural <br />History Foundation of Orange County. <br />A review of the latest published geological map of the area revealed <br />that Bristol Street, between Warner Avenue and Memory Lane is <br />underlain by Quaternary Alluvium. Typically, these deposits are less <br />than 10,000 years old, which makes them geologically too young to <br />contain important fossils. There are no confirmed reports of fossils <br />from these deposits in the Santa Ana area or APEI. There are <br />unconfirmed questionable reports of the remains of "ice age" animals <br />supposedly recovered from alluvial deposits. However, no fossils are <br />currently available to support these reports. Therefore, based on the <br />characteristics of the Quaternary Alluvium underlying the APEI, it was <br />determined that a field review of the APEI was unnecessary. <br />As a part of the Archaeological assessment for this project, a letter was <br />sent to the UCLA Institute of Archaeology requesting an archaeological <br />records search of the APEL This search involved a review of all maps <br />and records on file at the UCLA Archaeological Survey relevant to the <br />APEI. This search revealed that Mr. Ron M. Bissell and Mr. Ronald <br />E. Raschke had completely surveyed the area for historic, <br />archaeological, and paleontological resources. The letter also indicated <br />that Mr. Bissell's report contained the most up -to -date data on what is <br />currently known about this particular section of Bristol Street. <br />Furthermore, the letter indicated that the reports adequately described <br />the cultural sensitivity of the APEI and clearance is recommended if <br />their recommendations are followed. <br />More specifically, Mr. Bissell's report on archaeological resources, <br />included a field review of the entire project corridor to observe the <br />limited undeveloped surface areas, and an extensive research of <br />available archaeological literature for the area. <br />A literature review established that the APEI had never been pre- <br />viously examined for archaeological remains and that no archaeological <br />sites had been recorded in the immediate vicinity of the APEI. During <br />the field work for this project all open areas fronting on Bristol Street <br />were examined for archaeological remains. Most of the inspected <br />W -61 <br />75C -132 <br />